TF3 | Jolt X Human Femme Reader Pt.1: Realization

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Request by: @Ravage4

(Y/N) wants to ask Ironhide to the Valentine's day dance, but he sees another girl beat her to it. A severe asthma attack lands (Y/N) in the medbay has her realizes some things that help her not be bothered by seeing Ironhide love another girl.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I have been interested in joining the military, but I couldn't with my asthma until I found a job listing that I thought was at a medium facility. I found it strange there were guards at the entrance, and people needed Clarence to get in. Even the interview was odd. Soon after I was hired, I found out why. Lucky me gets to work with the Autobots, and I've joined the military, but I can't take part in missions like Ratchet- except he can engage in battle if necessary. Just like the other military branches, I may only be a medic. Still, it's the possibility of being attacked and the possibility of my condition turning into a medical emergency due to the extra stress that's the issue. As Ratchet puts it, it'll be easier for me to be safe and not worry about being under attack should the Decepticons attack the base or in the city by the base.

Even though I can't go into battle, I have been assigned to be Ironhide's assistant in his weapons class if I'm not needed in the medbay. This arrangement turned out to be a great idea that Ironhide asked another female to take over when I have to be in the medbay. I heard there's a valentine's day dance coming up. Everyone must have a date. Of course, some Autobots and soldiers didn't like hearing this, but Lennox told them they're permitted to have a single on Valentine's day dance in a small hangar. I want to ask Ironhide to the dance. I have an idea.

Jolt's P.O.V.
I watch (Y/N) leave the base, hating that I froze in my tracks, trying to ask her to the dance. I return to the medbay, disappointed.

"What's with you?" Ratchet asks as I walk by him.
"Then why do you sound disappointed? Ah, did you avoid asking (Y/N) to the dance?"
"Yes," Jolt sighs, "I hate this. I'll never be able to tell her how I feel about her."
"I don't believe you are giving up," Optimus comments, "you will find a way to tell her. You have a little time, but be careful; two weeks can fly by."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I return from the mall two hours later, hoping to show Ironhide the dress o bought while asking him to the dance. Ironhide is with the female who would take over being his assistant when I'm needed in the medbay.
", do you want to go to the dance with me?" Ironhide finishes.
I watch the female hug Ironhide as she says yes. Just from that and how Ironhide looks at her, I don't think this will be only agreeing to go to a dance, but the start of a relationship...but not with me. I drop my bag and run down the hall, tears rolling down my face, ignoring Ironhide calling my name.

I run down the hallway that leads to a smaller hangar and sit on the floor by a wall in the hangar. Between running and crying, my asthma is getting worse. I dropped my purse by the bag to run faster. It wouldn't be a problem if the emergency inhaler were in my pocket.

Jolt's P.O.V.
I'm checking over the schedule for the afternoon when a soldier comes rushing in
"Help! I found (Y/N) unconscious in hangar E!"
"You can handle this," Ratchet claims.
It was my choice to prepare an emergency kit in case (Y/N) had a severe asthma attack and couldn't get to the medbay. I grab the bag and a stretcher.
Ironhide and a few soldiers see me rush by.
I have to hide how terrified I am. A severe asthma attack is bad enough, but (Y/N) is unconscious. A nebulizer is not enough. The thought I may have to put her on a ventilator is frightening.

I struggle to stay calm as I see (Y/N)'s lips are blue. Hoping a CPAP machine with a nebulizer attachment is enough. Her oxygen is 78%.
Please let this be all she needs. I need to rush (Y/N) to the medbay if this doesn't work.

Ratchet helps me get (Y/N) situated in an ICU room. The current treatment is working. All I can do is wait and monitor.
"Is she ok?" Ironhide asks.
He has (Y/N)'s purse and another bag.
"She should be. In time for the dance, I don't know."
I'm not telling him there's a chance (Y/N) can get worse and need the ventilator until she wakes up. I notice the dress in the bag as I move (Y/N)'s stuff out of the way. This is odd; why did (Y/N) have a severe asthma attack after returning from the mall? And her emergency inhaler is in her purse. Why does Ironhide have her bags?

It's a stressful twenty minutes watching (Y/N)'s vitals improve, and she wakes up.
"I want to continue this while you're awake," I explain, knowing she wants the CPAP machine off, "ten minutes."

"What happened?" I ask once (Y/N) is getting oxygen via a nasal cannula, "what concerns me is that it appears you returned from the mall before the asthma attack started, yet Ironhide had your stuff. I know he would have brought you here if you were hanging out together."
"I bought a dress to show Ironhide as I ask him to the dance."
Is it wrong to tell her now?
"Well, I don't know if this will make you feel any better....but...I love you," Jolt finally says. (Y/N) smiles, "and...I want to go to the dance with you. You don't have to return the dress. How about a date Friday? To get more use out of the dress."
(Y/N) loves the idea.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I'm not mad at the timing of Jolt's love confession. Most girls would find that rude, but he wouldn't know unless it
was the same on Cybertron. I'm not mad. I don't know if it's because of all the time we spent together, or I thought I loved Ironhide. I've fallen for Jolt.
Ironhide comes by, worried that he hurt me. I know he's still going to worry, though. I tell him that I'm fine. It still sucks that I watched him show he loves another girl rather than he tells me, no, but I think he'll understand at the dance that I'm ok.

Jolt, and I's first date was fun. No one knows we're together, but though the dance will be our second date, we have a plan to announce we're together - at least to the Autobots and soldiers who are going to the dance. There's no way Lennox can say date as in romantic partner. We're expecting some to have a friend as their date.

Even with a few other couples dancing - including Ironhide and his date - we oddly got many of the others cheering as we danced. I wasn't expecting Jolt to kiss me, but I enjoyed the surprise first kiss. At least Ironhide can stop worrying that he hurt me, and I'm happy with my boyfriend, even if it's not Ironhide.

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