🍋 TF3 | Mirage X Optimus Prime: Secrets The Spy Doesn't Know

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Request by; @ShizukakanadePesce

Mirage thought Optimus was simply a concerned leader, but he discovers his leader loves him and has been waiting to frag him
Warning; sexual content

I know a leader would worry about his men going on missions, but this seems overkill. Mirage feels as he watches Optimus watch him prepare for a mission. It's not the first time he's meeting a group for an exchange, but Optimus seems more concerned. He needs this file to complete a case.
I know I'm dealing with a gang, but I've been battling Decepticons; this is nothing.

Little does Mirage Know that Optimus plans on following him. Optimus knows where Mirage is going and can plan carefully due to transforming into a large semi-truck. The only flaw is there's n way to lie about where h's going because of the timing.

Ratchet tries to talk Optimus out of following Mirage but gets a hint of something more than a concern for the spy. Ratchet isn't sure if Optimus is embarrassed to be in love with the spy or not but doesn't bring the topic up. The two hope Optimus will be back before anyone else notices.

Optimus parks his alt mode far from the meeting location and runs the rest of the way, watching for any red cars to come by. This would be easier if Optimus knew if Mirage had planned on stopping for a while. He knows Mirage likes to find a peaceful place for a few hours after a mission before returning to base, but he doesn't know if Mirage goes to the same place every time if it's close enough to the mission's location. Optimus isn't sure if he can avoid jumping in if a shootout starts.
"You have what I'm looking forMirage asks.
"Right here," the gang leader replies, "ten pages of known associates and their deaths. This guy doesn't want to be found."
"I have my ways."
To Optimus' surprise, the exchange was uneventful. He runs before anyone leaves the designated meeting point, discovering how he follows Mirage.

Optimus discovers how close to his alt mode Mirage's alt mode is parked.
As Optimus watches for Mirage to return to his alt mode, he's troubled by what the other guy said.
Mirage is dealing with a killer. What if he's killed?
This concern was more than the fact that he'd lose his spy

Mirage drives for a good hour before reaching a field. He transforms and walks across the field to the river. He has a good two-mile walk before reaching his destination.
The sun is going down as he sits by the river. He sits on the ground and sighs, relieving the stress he built up about the mission.

Optimus managed to keep his distance by having to stop and relieve pain from his spike. Even though he suspects the spy will question how Optimus found him, Optimus couldn't think of anything but getting his spike in Mirage's valve.
Is this holding back confessing feelings feels like? Optimus questions as h rubs his spike while not in heat.

All Mirage can hear is the flowing river. For a while, it's peaceful until he hears peds. He gets out his gun but sees Optimus approach him.
"I'm sorry I followed you-."
"I understand, sir. As leader, you worry about everyone. Hearing I'm meeting ten guys from a gang sounds like a recipe for a gunfight."
"No, you don't understand. I like you, Mirage."
Before Mirage could say anything, Optimus kisses him.
Mirage feels strange kissing his leader as much as he thought how telling your leader that you love him is strange. Optimus is slightly surprised that Mirage is returning the kiss.

Optimus pushes Mirage to the ground and remove's his panel before removing his own. Mirage couldn't believe Optimus was ready to frag him.
How long has he been keeping this secret? Mirage questions
Of course, Optimus asks permission first. What Mirage didn't think is that Optimus would play around first. Putting a digit in Mirage's valve. Optimus feels Mirage is tight.
Mirage couldn't believe how this felt. He tries not to moan but fails. He pictures Optimus' spike in him and is tempted to take off Optimus' interface panel. He feels embarrassed at how quickly he got wet. Optimus didn't think the spy would remove his interface panel, and as Mirage suspected, Optims' spike was ready.
Mirage sits on his knows and rubs Optimus' spike around his valve. Optimus' desire to pound Mirage increases, and he pushes the spy back down. He knows he must start slowly, but the feeling of finally putting his spike in Mirage adds to his impatience.
Mirage isn't sure if he's dreaming as he feels his leader thrust, and a moan escapes him.
Optimus doesn't hold off for long before pounding Mirage. The spy moans in pleasure as Optimis pants. The spy is no match to push Optimus down, but his desire to put his spike in Optimus grows. His spike is ready ad drops out from his panel. Mirage didn't think that was possible or that Optimus would successfully get Mirage's spike in his valve.
I've heard of human couples kissing as the sun sets, but I think we created a new activity as the sun sets. Mirage smiles.

The stars brighten up the sky as the two reach their climax. Optimus pulls out and lies next to Mirage. Both can't believe what happened. Only their wet spikes and panting provide evidence that they're not dreaming. They decide to stay for the night but need to wait for their spikes to go back to normal size before transforming and activating their holoforms. Both will have to fight the urge for a round two. They settle for a make-out session while massaging each other's spikes. Ignoring that neither are ready to tell the others back at the base that they are together.

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