🍋 B |Yandere Sunstreaker X Yandere Mirage: Hotheads in Love

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Request by; @susangiacomin

Mirage and Sunstreaker refuse to tell the other how they feel about them. Sunstreaker is tired of acting like an aft towards Mirage. He suspects Mirage's heat cycle draws near and devises a plan to help him and tell him how he feels.
Warning; sexual content

Sunstreaker watches Mirage, wishing he could talk to the spy about how he feels, but he knows Mirage wouldn't believe him. Knowing his psychopath ways won't work unless, by chance, Mirage feels the same way. Sunstreaker knows the risk he's taking. Their teamwork in battle could fall apart if Mirage doesn't like Sunstreaker back.
Perhaps I need to do some spying on the spy. At least try to figure out how to get him alone out of the base. Sunstreaker believes.

He knows Mirage is a skilled spy who wouldn't leave important or personal info lying around or talk about it.

Meanwhile, the spy is working in his office, distracted by the realization that he loves Sunstreaker but believes the relationship will never work.
I deal with enough of his scrap just being on the same team. How much worse will he be if he knows?
Mirage also thinks about the reaction the others will have if he can tell Sunstreaker how he feels about him. He only regrets it will not be before his heat cycle. Sure, that would be a perfect time to say something, but that depends on the mech. Sunstreaker would not believe Mirage or help him.

Sunstreaker sneaks into Mirage's office, being careful with the files while hoping to find out about one of his cases and trick the spy into meeting him.
"This should be easy," Sunstreaker smiles, reading about a case, "hopefully, I have a few days to prepare."

Mirage walks around the base, invisible, hoping to hide that he's dealing with his heat cycle. He notices Sunstreaker leaving the base more than usual for a mech who hates humans.
What's he up to? Mirage wonders, but I'm in no mood to investigate. Happy he can take a break from his cases.

Until he gets a lead that can't be ignored for a few days.
"A meeting at an abandoned warehouse," Mirage reviews, "not surprised considering the criminals I'm looking to take down. Hopefully, this will be quick."

Mirage isn't picking up any human heat signatures in the warehouse. This is strange to the spy. Rather than use his holoform, Mirage transforms and walks into the warehouse, hoping this is quick as he feels pain thanks to his heat cycle.
Mirage didn't think he'd hear peds, but he doesn't see who approached him before being knocked out.

Mirage wakes up, realizing his servos and legs are chained to the floor, and he's still at the warehouse.
"What the frag are you doing?!" Mirage rages, seeing Sunstreaker standing by his legs.
"Fine, I won't help you," Sunstreaker replies, but rather than walk away, he sits on his knees and removes Mirage's panel.
"You faked a lead in a case!"
"How else was I going to get you here? You wouldn't believe me if..."
"If? You keeping secrets is not like you."
"You wouldn't believe I love you," Sunstreaker mumbles, but Mirage understood what Sunstreaker said, "so I'm helping you whether or not you like it!"
Mirage fakes that he's not looking forward to what the front-liner is looking to do.
Sunstreaker smiles, seeing his captive and how ready Mirage's spike is.
"Get your hands off me!" Mirage yells.
"I'm in charge here!"
Sunstreaker rubs Mirage's spike. The spy struggles to hide how relieving this action is.
"Unchain me, fragger!" Mirage demands.
"So you can run away? How stupid do you think I am?!" Sunstreaker smiles, knowing Mirage is faking being pissed and that the spy is looking to frag him, "on second thought, you're in too much pain to run."

Sunstreaker didn't think Mirage would tackle him to the floor.
"You let your guard down. Now you must be punished!" Mirage smiles.
Mirage isn't sure if he'll get slapped by kissing Sunstreaker, but he wants to attempt a kiss, anyway. Little does the spy know Sunstreaker was hoping he'd for the kiss that Mirage is surprised that Sunstreaker is kissing him.
"Some punishment this is," Sunstreaker teases until he feels burning.
"You were saying?" Mirage smirks.
"Still pathetic!"
Sunstreaker didn't think Mirage could be rough, but he likes it.
Mirage feels much relief as he pounds the mech he hopes is now his boyfriend.

Sunstreaker didn't think Mirage would go as long as he did before laying next to him. The front-liner moves to kiss the spy.
"I love you," Sunstreaker smiles.
Sunstreaker wasn't expecting a love confession from Mirage. They know the trouble they'll deal with when everyone else finds out, but they can't hide their love for each other any longer.
"So, how about a sparkling?" Mirage jokes.
"Ugh, I hope not. At least not yet."
The two return to base, hoping to keep the relationship a secret for a while.

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