RiD15 | Look What You Did

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Request by: @Butterflymed

Trying to stop String art and Sideswipe from arguing turns into a game of chase that doesn't end all good or bad.

(Y/N) and Russell watch Sideswipe's and Strongarm argue, annoyed. This happens several times a day to the point they don't want to break up the arguing. (Y/N) is not happy that Bumblebee wants them to break up the fight. Even Russell argues it's pointless. Still, Bumblebee wants them to stop the arguing. (Y/N) finds a good-sized rock to throw at the arguing bots. The Rick hits Sideswipe in the back of the helm. This caused Sideswipe to fall forward.
Strongarm caught him, but this turned into an accidental touching of the dermas. Both of their faceplates turn red with embarrassment. Neither of them knew everyone was watching until Grimlock started laughing. Bumblebee feels like puking while Drift doesn't want his students to see this. Even Denny rushes to cover Russell's eyes. (Y,/N) thought they were sneaking a picture, but the click of their phone taking the picture ruined the moment.
"You better not post those to your social media!" Sideswipe argues.
"If you post those pictures online, I will arrest you!" Strongarm threatens.
"I'll destroy the phone right now!" Sideswipe rages as he takes out his sword.
"Good luck catching me!" (Y/N) claims while running away.

The chase takes the three out of the scrapyard and into the woods. (Y/N) runs a half a mile before tripping on a hidden branch and falling down the hill. They thought all they had was a terrible cut is bleeding, but they broke their leg and couldn't walk.
"My phone!" They panic, "the hill is too steep to crawl up, and with this bleeding," (Y/N) is wearing a hoodie, but it's cold, "I don't know if I can let this bleed either, scrap."
They take off their hoodie and try to stop the bleeding.

"You lost them?!" Strongarm rages.
"Not my fault (Y/N) is a fast runner," Sideswipe argues as he walks away until he hears a crunching sound, "uh-oh, uh, Strongarm."
"Scrap," Strongarm panics as he sees Sideswipe stepped on (Y/N)'s phone.
:: Bumblebee, we have a situation. We need the entire team here at my current location.::

Bumblebee quickly splits the team up to cover more ground, knowing it's getting dark. (Y/N) worries they're in trouble if they stay at their current location but know they're too injured to even crawl deeper into the woods. They feel themselves getting weaker, but know not to sleep.

Two hours pass, it's now dark out, and everyone is worried. Fixit can confirm that (Y/N) wasn't kidnapped by a Decepticon.
"How far could (Y/N) get?" Sideswipe asks.
"If they're still running, then far," Strongarm replies.
"Or we're going in the wrong direction."
The two run down a path no one has gone down.

:: We have an emergency!:: Strongarm stresses as the two Autobots see (Y/N) unconscious.
"Don't touch her. Let Denny look at the first," Strongarm urges.

The two feel guilt as they watch Denny find (Y/N) has a serious injury, but they'll need Fixit to scan them for further injury.

"This wouldn't have happened if you listened to me in the first place!" Strongarm argues once Fixit confirms (Y/N) broke their tibia. He contacted Ratchet, who had to add to everyone's concerns, urging that (Y/N) needs to go to the hospital though Fixit is doing great dealing with the injuries. The problem is blood loss.
"Well, if you weren't so bossy!" Sideswipe argues.
"Enough!" Bumblebee rages, "this could have happened if this was a game of tag or a training exercise, but the arguing is getting out of hand. You two better work on that, or I will send you both back to Cybertron!"
The two know it'll be awhile before they can stop arguing, but hope they can show (Y/N) things are getting better when they come back to the scrapyard.

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