Cyberverse | Deadend X Human Femme Reader: Opposites Attract

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Request by: @Butterflymed

(Y/N) secretly likes a con, but she didn't think he liked her.

(Y/N) is playing soccer with five friends from school. Everything is fine until the ball hits Dead End in the faceplate. Once they realized they hit a con in the face, (Y/N)'s friends panicked. Though he's a Decepticon, Dead End sighed, displeased the kids are this terrified of him. Though he knows if this happened to Megatron, they'd be dead.
"Watch where you're kicking that thing!" He scolds. (Y/N) and her friends apologize. Dead End turns to leave before winking at (Y/N), causing y/n to blush.
"How can you like him?" A friend asks her, "he's a con!"
She says nothing to avoid arguing with her friends and gets them to continue with their game.

(Y/N) didn't think she'd see Dead End five days later while out for a jog. She tries to hide more because she's shy than scared, but Dead End sees she's trying to hide.
"Don't hide your pretty face," he says as he scoops (Y/N) up.
He puts her on a nearby truck, so she's at his level as he sits on his knees. (Y/N) isn't scared about what he's looking to do, but she didn't think Dead End would kiss her.
"I know we just crossed paths five days ago, but I've seen you around and... I love you," Dead End confesses.
(Y/N) is surprised even though she likes him.
Even though it's unusual, the two decide to deal with the issues that come when a Cybertronian dates a human and decide to date. (Y/N) believes this is a situation of opposites attract.


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