🍋 TF2 | Jazz X Sideswipe: Loving The Trouble Maker

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Jazz likes Sideswipe but doesn't know how to tell him, especially when everyone is scolding Sideswipe. He waits until Sideswipe leaves the base. He follows Sideswipe and finds an opportunity to tell Sideswipe how he feels.
Warning: sexual content
A/N: Alt universe 

Jazz watches Sideswipe with a human femme standing in front of his alt mode. It's clear the two came back from a date. Jazz feels anger and jealousy hearing Sideswipe trying to get the girl to want to frag with him. All he can do is watch the two leave the hangar.

Early the next morning, Jazz finds Sideswipe in the lounge room.
"Seriously, you're so annoying and lazy!" Jazz scolds as he sees Sideswipe playing video games while he's supposed to be on patrol.
Jazz walks out of the lounge room, wishing he could tell Sideswipe how he feels and not act like he hates Sideswipe like most of the others do. Even though he is not pleased with Sideswipe playing video games rather than doing his job, Jazz wouldn't be so harsh if they were together. Jazz swears he smells Sideswipe is at the beginning of his heat cycle.
I can't do anything after scolding him. Jazz regrets. Even if I wait a few days, Sideswipe won't believe me when I tell him you like him.

Sideswipe didn't stay in the lounge room for long. He wanted to go to his room, but he crosses paths with Ironhide and Optimus.
"I heard you didn't do your patrol this morning," Optimus comments.
"You're not getting out of doing a patrol. You'll take my patrol right now!" Ironhide orders.
Sideswipe knows Optimus had to approve this first.
Jazz listens to the conversation, hoping he'll be able to leave though Jazz is not liking how he'll be lying about where he's going.

Sideswipe drives through the city until he knows he's not being followed before driving out of the city to a dirt road that goes through the woods.
Jazz has been following Sideswipe and wonders why the silver mech is driving through the woods? Jazz transforms halfway down the road and does his best to be quiet the rest of the way.

"Seriously?! Optimus sent someone to follow me?!" Sideswipe rages, hearing the peds moving not in a way to suggest a Decepticon is behind him.
"No, he didn't," Jazz replies.
Jazz can tell Sideswipe is in pain. He sits next to Sideswipe, confirming his theory. Jazz couldn't figure out what to say to lead to the question.
"Why are you here, then?" Sideswipe asks, hoping to get Jazz to leave.
"I, uh..."
Sideswipe is ready to force Jazz on the ground but knows he'd be in trouble.

The two sit in silence for a few minutes. Jazz knows Sideswipe is hurting but still can't figure out what to say.
"Will you just let me help you already?"
Jazz pushes Sideswipe down and removes his interface panel, revealing a ready spike. Sideswipe watches Jazz remove his own panel.
I must be dreaming. Sideswipe believes seeing Jazz put his spike in his panel. The pain quickly fades away as Jazz thrusts. Jazz couldn't believe this is happening after he scolded Sideswipe and got him in trouble. He enjoys hearing Sideswipe moaning, enjoying the fragging.

Soon, Sideswipe pushes Jazz onto the ground, and it's his turn to be in control.
"So, you just so happened to be around?" Sideswipe teases.
"I... fine, I like you. I hate having to go along with scolding you to hide how I feel, even if you are a lazy aft."
"So my punishment would be this?" Sideswipe smiles.
"Oh hell no."
Jazz pushes Sideswipe on the ground and begins pounding Sideswipe.
"Enjoy it, fraghead. This will not be your punishment, lazy aft."

Sideswipe watches Jazz transform and drive away. He enjoyed the fragging but hates how Jazz will want to keep their relationship secret for now. Wondering when they will stop keeping their relationship secret?

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