B | Yandere Bluestreak X Sophia Pt. 1 The Car

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Pt. 1 of @susangiacomin's request

Sophia doesn't know the car she finds, and an unexpected long-term guest puts her in the middle of the war between the Autobots and the human government.

"A nineteen-seventy-eight Datsun two hundred eighty Z," Sophia smiles, "even while not in great shape, this is an amazing rare find. Hey, how much?" She asks the junkyard owner.
The owner didn't think someone would want to buy the old junk heap. Sophia didn't think she'd be allowed to have the car for free.
Glad I drove the flatbed today. Sophia thinks as she loads the car onto the flatbed.

"Hmm, a lot of work will need to be done, but I'm not saying it's junk yet," Sophia says, looking under the hood, "impressive, it's salvageable."
Sophia works on the car until dark daily. Dedicated to fixing the car even with no interest in selling it.

Weeks of hard work pass. Sophia attempts to jump-start the car and is successful.
"Still much to do before I can take this for a drive."
Seconds after Sophie leaves the garage, the car turns back on.
"Ugh, how long have I been out?" Bluestreak does a system check, "ten years?! Damn it, that con knocked me into stasis. Scrap, the others!"
Bluestreak discovers most of his systems are down. He has no way to contact anybot and is too damaged to drive. He can use his holoform, which might help him as a female runs into the garage.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" The female yells.
"This is my car," Bluestreak tells her.
"Considering the state it's in and all the repairs I did already, you ditched your car, and it's mine now."
I'm going to have problems no matter what I do. Bluestreak figures.
He tries to be nice, aware the femme is pissed. Hoping Sophia can help him. Sophia questions if this guy, (holoform name), isn't just looking to steal the car after she fixes it.
She demands he helps fix the car. Bluestreak isn't sure when is the right time to tell Sophia about him, but it's looking like the only way he's leaving is after his alt mode is repaired.

At least she's letting me stay in her house. Bluestreak that nos positive as he looks around Sophia's guest bedroom. Ratchet did say gas is a good replacement for Energon but only lasts for a short time. Hopefully, I can find the others soon. I worry about how many were killed?
Bluestreak finds his phone is still functional. He looks through the pictures. Tears form as he wonders who's alive.

"Are you ok?" Sophia asks as Bluestreak walks into the kitchen. Concerned about his puffy eyes, "and don't say you're fine. I know we just met, but I won't ignore something that troubles you."
"I can't tell you everything, but I'm worried about my friends."
"Not a good thing to say if you want me to trust you, but I know you don't trust me yet."
Sophia is concerned about her guest, considering the state of his car, and he was crying. Hoping to figure out his story.

The two work on the car for hours daily. Bluestreak couldn't believe how damaged he is. Sometimes Sophia touches a sensitive spot, and Blue must hide how the touch affects him.
Weeks go by until they're finished, except for the bodywork. Blue convinces Sophia to let him do it, and she jokes about how he's worried she'll scratch the car more.
"No, no, I -."
"Chill; I know you don't think I can't do it."
Bluestreak smells something off from Sophia. He's wondering if she's falling for him or not. He doesn't pry in her life. Uncertain if she trusts him yet.
"I know I need to tell her the truth, but it's risky."

"I said we're through!" Bluestreak hears Sophia.
He sees she's arguing with a mech, who tries to force her to go with him.
"Hey, she said to leave her alone!" Blue yells while charging to the mech. Sophia didn't think Blue would fight the guy, but the guy quickly gets in his car and drives away, "coward!!" Blue looks at Sophia, "I'll make sure he never hurts you."
Sophia feels safe as her long-term guest hugs her. Blue no longer smells fear from her, but rather the same smell as before that he's certain is a sign Sophia likes him.

Two months of working on the car fly by.
"This car runs like new now," Sophia smiles, "so..uh... you're going to leave now?"
"Neither of you are going anywhere," I man says.
"Scrap, Sophia, get in the car now!" Blue demands.
The female does as she's told while wondering how her guest knows Cemetery Wind. Watching as he fights the armed men without a weapon. Quickly getting into the car and speeding off.

Hours pass before blue pulls into a hotel.
"You're an Autobot, aren't you?" Sophia asks.
"I...I...," Blue isn't sure what to say. Quickly feeling sick and rushing to the toilet.
Sophia realizes what she's done. The Autobot who thought he was safe now fears she'll report him. She can tell he doesn't know what's going on.
"You're ok, calm down," she tells him, "I'm not reporting you. You've never had a panic attack, have you?"
"That's what this is? Once when they attacked the N.E.S.T. base, we all had to go our separate ways. I-I don't know who's alive."
Blue hugs Sophia and sobs.
"We'll find them together. I know I'm wanted now, so what does it matter if I stay behind?"
There's that scent, again, and fear. Blue observes while hearing Sophia say she'll help him. Now's not the time to ask, but I think she likes me, and I like her.

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