TFP | Smokescreen X Human Femme Reader: Halloween Party

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Request by: @Butterflymed

The kids get the Autobots to come to a Halloween party at school, where Miko has a great idea after seeing Smokescreen and (Y/N)'s costume choice. Though she could have pulled it off seeing the couple slow dance. 

"So kids dress in costumes to get candy from strangers?" Arcee asks.
"Sounds like a day to neglect human sparklings," Ratchet comments.
"Parents still have to be with their kids," Raf points out, "and there's a party at school, so plenty of adult supervision."
The Autobots then find out they've been signed up to chaperon the dance. Even Ratchet couldn't believe the school was specifically asking for a doctor to deal with kids who eat too much candy.
"Again, human sparkling neglect," Ratchet repeats.

Optimus and Ratchet refuse to dress in costumes or even half a costume like cat ears headband and cat nose paint. That is what Arcee chose. The Autobots and kids questioned Bee's choice to dress up as an Earth bumblebee. Bulkhead chose to be a ghost. The Autobots and kids didn't think that (Y/N) and Smokescreen would plan their costumes.
"Gee, a prince, and princess," Miko mocks, "that gives me an idea."

(Y/N) and Smokescreen has no interest in dancing right when everyone gets to the party, allowing the kids to put their plan in place.
One problem; how long before Smokescreen and (Y/N) decide to dance?
The DJ agrees with the plan. Miko decides to stay close to tell them to change the song.

Optimus has to keep Ratchet from demanding the large candy bowls be put away while Bumblebee and Bulkhead watch the humans, not knowing what they'd talk about with them.
"Wonder what the kids are planning?" Bulkhead asks. Bee only shrugs, "I hope it's not a prank."

"Get!" Ratchet scolds as Smokescreens and (Y/N) try to get some soda and candy.
"Ratchet," Optimus protests and makes the grouchy medic go somewhere else.
"I see why the others sneak candy and soda into the base," (Y/N) jokes.
Once the two had enough candy and soda, Smokescreen asks (Y/N) to dance.

Smokescreen knows a slow dance at a Halloween party is a little odd, but to him, it's just another opportunity to dance with his femme.  (Y/N) doesn't find this odd at all.
The two are unaware of the crowd watching the two dance. Some smile, believing the couple had planned this.  Thinking even asking the DJ to play a romantic song was part of the plan. No one suspected that Miko had asked the DJ to change the song.
(Y/N) I didn't think Smokescreen would dip kiss her at the song's end. The couple realizes that they've been watched as the crowd cheers. The two smile though they feel embarrassed that people watched them.
"Told you these costumes were a great choice," Smokescreen smiles.
The dance would continue for another two hours, but Smokescreen and (Y/N( decide to leave early. Both decide to find a place to dance under the stars.


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