TF2 | Ratchet X Human Femme Reader Pt. 1: Starting a Family

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Pt. 1 of @Ravage4 's request

Ratchet is happily married to (Y/N). they have a little fun on their one-year wedding anniversary, resulting in a surprise gift.

No one — Autobot or soldier — thought Ratchet would find love. Everyone couldn't believe he was dating (Y/N) or that the two even got married. Ratchet met (Y/N) the day she applied to work as a medic. She knew what she was getting herself into since she was offered a job rather than searching for one. She couldn't believe she was chosen to work with the Autobots. Nor did she think she'd fall in love with her boss, the grouchy medic.

She sits at her desk, thinking how today is the one-year anniversary of their wedding, and thinking about how to bring up having kids with Ratchet. She knows it's possible, and that their children would be hybrids.

"It's nice to see you happy, old friend," (Y/N) hears Optimus talking to Ratchet.
"I still can't believe how things turned out while on Earth," Ratchet says, pulling (Y/N) close to him, "but I love (Y/N)."
Optimus smiles and walks away. Ratchet tells (Y/N) about his plan for their anniversary. Nothing crazy; dinner at a restaurant and a movie in their room.

The night is as great as the two could have hoped. (Y/N) didn't think Ratchet would be in the mood for a little fun. Neither thinking about the lack of condoms.

Even the next morning, while both were thinking about the gun night they had, neither realized they didn't use protection.

That is until (Y/D) realizes her period is late.
While she's been thinking about talking about having kids with Ratchet; that's the problem, the two have yet to talk about having kids. (Y/N) is worried she's pregnant and Ratchet will not be thrilled. She knows she'll have to find out.

Ratchet didn't see (Y/N) waiting for her by the cafeteria for lunch. He goes to their room, immediately hearing crying from the bathroom.

"(Y/N)? Are you ok?" Ratchet asks as he walks into the bathroom. Crouching down in front of her, "what's wrong?"
Ratchet is confused why (Y/N) is sitting on the closed lid toilet. He questions why she's crying, looking at the thermometer, realizing that's not what she's holding as the word 'pregnant' is displayed.
Ratchet leads her to their bed.

Ratchet hugs (Y/N) as they sit on the bed. He can smell she's afraid.
"(Y/N), it's ok. I know we never talked about having sparklings, but I'm happy we are."
He's happy to hear (Y/N) has been wanting to talk about starting a family. He waits until (Y/N) is calm, and the two go to the medbay to confirm the pregnancy via blood test. The two know they'll have to wait at least a month to do an ultrasound to see if (Y/N) is pregnant with twins. They're hoping to wait to tell everyone.

(Y/N) continues to work in the medbay. The couple couldn't avoid telling Jolt the news. They know he won't tell anyone.

Jolt does the ultrasounds for Ratchet. Happy to be part of this. Seeing how happy Ratchet is watching his sparkling grow, but Ratchet tells him he'll deliver his sparkling.
"It's a femme," Jolt tells them, loving how happy the couple is.

Everyone is happy to hear Ratchet and (Y/N) are having a baby femme. The Autobots are a little shocked hearing Ratchet is going to be a sire.
"I think living on Earth has changed him," Ironhide tells Optimus.
"Perhaps, but he's had no one to love."
"I just hope he will not be overprotective."

(Y/N) continues to work in the medbay as much as possible, but she slowly cuts back on how long she works at the medbay every day. Enjoying Ratchet's massages at night.

By thirty weeks, (Y/N) is no longer working in the medbay. This is both due to how quickly her feet hurt and Ratchet wanting her not to be working. Knowing the baby could come before forty weeks. (Y/N) keeps busy.
"We need to pick a name for this little one," Ratchet says, rubbing (Y/N)'s belly, "and she agrees," he smiles, feeling the baby kick.
The two find a list of popular femme names, both agreeing on Sapphire.

Five weeks fly by. (Y/N) is getting bored not working in the medbay.
"If human babies are like sparklings, you'll be busy," Ratchet smiles, Kisses (Y/N), and begins his nightly routine massaging (Y/N), starting with her feet.
He doesn't finish before Jolt calls him. Ratchet puts the call on speaker.
"I need you for emergency surgery. A soldier who thought they had a stomach ache just found out they have appendicitis and they waited a couple of days before coming to the medbay," Jolt explains.
"I'll be right down," Ratchet tells him m and ends the call, "I'm sorry," he kisses (Y/N).
"It's fine, Ratchet. You're a medic."
Ratchet rushes out of the room and down the hall.  (Y/N) watches T.V. for a while before going to bed.

With Ratchet still busy in the medbay the next morning, (Y/N) sits at a table with her breakfast. Soon she feels liquid going down her legs, knowing she didn't pee herself. She tries to stand up, but feels pain.
"Shit," she panics, unable to stand up nevermind walk to the medbay.
(Y/N) can only get on the floor, worrying about what seems to be quick labor, and that she'll be delivering in the cafeteria.

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