TF2 | Mirage X Human Femme Reader Pt. 1: Unexpected Injury

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Pt. 1 of @Ravage4 's request

An ambush during a simple mission injures (Y/N). Ratchet discovers that she's now deaf. Optimus, Lennox, and the medics try to determine alternatives to complete discharge.

"Do you have to go?" (Y/N) sulks as she hugs Mirage in the hangar by his alt mode.
"Yeah, I have a lead on a case."
(Y/N) knows Mirage won't let her go on the mission with him. 

Two days without action or helping Mirage is boring to (Y/N). Finally, Lennox recruits her for a mission, along with four other soldiers, including Epps. The mission is simple but also risky as the team is going to investigate a warehouse where the Decepticons have been seen using for a while.

"This place has been used," Epps points out, "but they appear to have relocated."
The team continues to search around the warehouse. Only footsteps of the soldiers walking around are heard until just before the team concludes their investigation. They hear a car's squeaking brakes, not thinking it's a con, until a police car tears down the wall and transforms. A Mercedes Benz SLS AMG speeds in and transforms while Ravage runs in.
"Shit, no way we can fight them. Run!" Epps orders.
Epps runs while calling for backup. (Y/N) runs with the others to a pile of support beams. The others are a little ahead of (Y/N). She is unaware that Barricade fired at her until the shot hits the ground behind her, sending (Y/N) flying. She hits the wall before landing on the floor. The soldiers pull her behind their cover.
Epps finally joins them. The four soldiers waiting for backup.

To the soldiers, hours passed when only five minutes passed before Optimus, Ironhide, and Ratchet barge into the warehouse. Ratchet gets the soldiers out of the warehouse while Optimus and Ironhide fight the cons, who quickly retreat.

Ratchet and Jolt get back-up to help with the other four soldiers, believing the two need to focus on (Y/N), who remains unconscious. Even while Ratchet scabs her body in his bipedal form before the two medics take (Y/N) to the medbay and treat her using their holoforms.
Little do the two medics know (Y/N) finally woke up while they reviewed her injuries for the report.
"A concussion, broken arm, and two broken ribs. The good news is she doesn't need surgery, but why isn't she waking up?"
"What are you saying?! Speak up!" (Y/N) yells, startling both medics.
Ratchet looks at (Y/N), worried his scan failed to detect brain damage, questioning how that happened.
"Ok, so recovery time should be three months," Jolt. Continues, both focusing on (Y/N), watching her try to read their lips.
Ratchet realizes he should have checked (Y/N)'s ears, considering how close Epps said Barricade's shot landed behind (Y/N).
Ratchet writes a note telling (Y/N) that he wants to test her hearing. (Y/N) wonders why Ratchet didn't do the test that requires her to listen for a beep and show when she hears it before writing that the tests are complete and he'll be back later.

Ratchet regrets telling Lennox and Optimus that (Y/N) is completely deaf, and there's nothing else they can do but discharge (Y/N). They know Mirage will not like hearing (Y/N) is injured, period, but to hear she's completely deaf and knowing how eager (Y/N) was to join N.E.S.T. 
"We have two days before Mirage is back," Ratchet argues, "I'm going to the hospital to see if anything can be done."
"She knows she's deaf and what that means —," Lennox argues.
"I don't know everything in human medicine, and I don't think you do either! I'm not saying anything until I know for sure!"
Ratchet leaves the medbay.

(Y/N) is asleep when Ratchet returns. He got good news, but bad news might still need to come.
".... damage is severe that this might not be enough to avoid discharging her," Ratchet explains, "depending on how much I can repair, permanent hearing aids might be possible."
"Not enough to go on missions, but she'll be able to hear gunfire should the base be under attack," Lennox concludes.
"Enough to help Mirage or Jolt and me."
"(Y/N) still won't like this, but it's better than the alternative," Optimus concludes.
The three still dread telling (Y/N) and Mirage the news.

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