RBA | Whirl X Scorch: Jealous

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Request by; @Sashaweebo

Hot Shot is happy his friend, Scorch, is visiting until he sees Scorch and Whirl spending a lot of time together.

Hot Shot couldn't believe his friend, Scorch, had come to Earth. Though he is happy to see his friend, hoping to get Scorch to stay.
Hot Shot gives Scorch a tour of the academy and introduces the other students.  He doesn't mind that his friend wants to spend time with the others.

Hot Shot leaves Scorch alone in an extra berthroom. Little time passes before Whirl knocks on the door. 
"Hi," she says cheerfully and walks into the room.
"Uh, hi."
Scorch isn't sure what to think of Whirl being so quick to want to be alone with him.
She starts a conversation wanting to get to know him, hoping not to scare him.

The two increase how much time they spend together every day. If it weren't for classes and rescues, Whirl probably would be with Scorch all day.
Scorch enjoys watching the rescue bots. Soon he finds himself only watching Whirl.

Hot Shot is unaware of this until he asks Scorch if the two want to play Cube and Scorch refuses. Hot Shot finds this odd but brushes it off.
This gets harder as he sees Scorch spending time with Whirl, realizing how much they spend together.
"Someone's jealous," he heard Hoist.
"I am not!"
"You're in love."
"Shut up!"
"No one — human or transformer — would be this jealous about two friends spending time together without feelings of love."
Hot Shot walks away.
Hoist does his best to stay out of this and tells Wedge to do the same.

Hoist and Wedge see two friends hanging out when seeing Scorch and Whirl, but they watch Hot Shot get angry and jealous.
How dare she's with him.

Whenever Hot Shot tried to talk to Whirl, she'd be with Scorch. He couldn't talk to her while in class or doing rescue exercises. The only time Scorch wasn't around was when the team did real rescue work, and that is a terrible time to talk.
Instead, Hot Shot rants about the two to Hoist, who's about ready to force the three to talk.

This goes on for a month before Hoist has had enough.  He gets Hot Shot and Whirl together without Scorch.
"What's your problem, Hoist?!" Hot Rod snaps.
"You! Being jealous of Whirl spending time with Scorch!"
Hoist didn't think Hot Shot's faceplate would turn red or Whirl would laugh.
"Hot Shot jealous? Remember, he's the one who insults me daily! It's nice he hasn't since Scorch has been here. You need a little more practice if you're trying to be like Rung."
Whirl walks away. Hot Shot doesn't know what to say, but his spark aches.
She'll never believe me.
Hot Shot walks away, tears rolling down his faceplate. Uncertain if he wants his best friend to leave or should accept that he'll have to watch his best friend and the one he loves together. 
I'm better off trying to forget I love her.  No matter how much it hurts for a while.

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