🍋 Cyberverse | Cheetor X Human Femme Reader: A Cat Who Loves Water

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Request by: @Butterflymed

A confession leads to lessons that leads to something unexpected.
Warning: Sexual content

It's a hot summer day, perfect for a swim in the pool. (Y/N) invites her Autobot friend Cheetor over. He shows up in his holoform and lays on the lounge chair. He enjoys what humans call sunbathing for twenty minutes before (Y/N) asks him to join her.
"I...uh... can't swim," Cheetor embarrassingly admits, "I know Earth's Cheetahs can, but...."
(Y/N) tries not to laugh at how red Cheetor's cheeks are.
"Well, I guess I will have to teach you," (Y/N) smiles.
Cheetor feels embarrassed but lets (Y/N) teach him.

It's a challenging week before Cheetor feels confident with swimming. The two enjoy swimming together until Cheetor sneaks a kiss. (Y/N) gasps In surprise and pulls away.
"I'm sorry, I—," he tries to apologize.
"No, no, it's ok," (Y/N) smiles, "you don't need to apologize."
Cheetor smiles and kisses (Y/N), who kisses back. The kiss quickly gets heated. Cheetor carries (Y/N) out of the pool and into the house.

"What are you doing?" (Y/N) asks as Cheetor lays her on the bed.
Should we be doing this? Cheetor questions.
He pulls down the bottom piece of (Y/N)'s bikini. Little does he know, his ready spike is noticeable. (Y/N) smiles and pulls down Cheetor's shorts. His face turns red.
"So this is how you plan on thanking me?" She teases.
Cheetor removed the top of (Y/N)'s bikini and kisses her while massaging her breasts. Soon Cheetor enters (Y/N). He hates how she looks like she's in pain, but (Y/N) assures it that it'll pass. Once (Y/N) is relaxed,  Cheetor begins thrusting slowly, which doesn't last long before he picks up speed.
"Fuck," (Y/N) moans.
The fun lasts ten minutes before Cheetor cuddles (Y/N).

The two enjoy daily swimming even after (Y/N) finds out she's pregnant two weeks later. With the news came love confessions from both of them. 
"What a shame this little one will be coming in Spring. Too cold for the pool," Cheetor comments.
"I have a cat who loves water," (Y/N) smiles, "we can't use the swimming pool, even if our little one was coming in summer; but we can still have our baby in the water" (Y/N) explains.

Cheetor learns what (Y/N) means, and not only is he interested in a water birth, but he experience how human femmes have their sparkling.   The next thirty-five weeks are interesting for Cheetor, and the couple jokes about how much reading Ratchet must be doing. Even Cheetor can't believe how similar an Earth human femme's pregnancy is to a cybertronian femme, with a few differences.

Though he's feeling like labor for humans is harder and more painful, he's never watched a cybertronian femme do through labor and delivery. Cheetor tries to relax, seeing Ratchet isn't worried.
Cheetor does his best to help (Y/N) through the pain. It's hard to be amazed seeing the baby come while bothered by the pain !Y/N) feels.   As the baby is born, his displeasure about (Y/N)'s pain soon turns to joy.
"Our little swimmer is here," Cheetor smiles.
The two already talked about teaching their child to swim early even if Cheetor's issue was he's not from Earth. They also decide to get a heating system for the pool, having missed swimming during the cold months.

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