TFP | One Shall Fall: You Have to Move On

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Request by; @Butterflymed

Bumblebee struggles with Raf's death even years later.

Today marks two years since Raf was killed. Bumblebee notices everyone acting like it's a typical day. No one knows Bumblebee has PTSD from the day Raf was killed. Even though Megatron created the Energon lightning, every time there's a thunderstorm, Bumblebee panics. No one hears him calling Raf's name as the yellow bot searches for Raf outside for hours. Returning before anyone knows he's been out.

Even with Raf gone, and the PTSD, Bumblebee isn't ready to leave Earth. He knows no one will understand if he says anything. He can only hope he'll be too busy to think about Raf.
Until a spacebridge is built, and he can go back to Earth.

Though Bumblebee was busy helping with Cybertron's reconstruction and helping returning Cybertronians, he's not busy enough to forget about Raf. Since he's not on Earth, his behavior has changed to laying on his berth, replaying memories of Raf until he slips into recharge. He manages to get enough recharge to avoid anyone noticing his nightly routine.

A few weeks before the third anniversary of Raf's death, Bumblebee overhears Optimus and Ultra Magnus talking about a spacebridge being built. Now that Cybertron is thriving, the spacebridge project won't take long. Bumblebee hopes he can get to Earth on the date Raf was killed.

As he figured, the Spacebridge is complete three days before the anniversary, but it's not open to anybot. Bumblebee hates having to sneak around to use the spacebridge, but this is important to him.

Security isn't tight, but there's another security he has to deal with. Hoping to not leave any trace of breaking into the building to use the spacebridge. Nothing will work as a logical defense.

Bumblebee chooses a cliff close to Jasper, Nevada as the spacebridge location. Far from humans. It's two in the morning in Jasper as Bumblebee stands on the cliff.
"RAF!!" he tells, before falling to his knees. Hearing the echo as tears roll down his faceplate

He feels a strong gust of wind. Not caring, until...
"Bumblebee," he hears Raf.
Bumblebee realizes he's no longer on the cliff. All he sees is darkness around him except for where he and Raf stand.
How am I dead? Bumblebee questions.
"You're not dead. I don't know how much time we have."
"I'm sorry, Raf, I failed to protect you," Bumblebee cries. Tears rolling down his faceplate.
"It was a risk I chose to take, to have great alien friends," Raf climbs onto Bee's servo. Bumblebee moves the servo up to his faceplate, "you can't live like this. You have to move on. That's not the same as forgetting our friendship," Raf hugs Bee's digits, "goodbye Bee."
In a flash of light, Bumblebee is back on the cliff, and Raf is gone.
"Bumblebee?" He hears Optimus. Bumblebee doesn't care if he's in trouble, "how long have you been dealing with this alone?"
Bumblebee isn't sure what Optimus saw, which makes answering the question harder.
Optimus tries his best to comfort bee, knowing how loss hurts. Hoping Bumblebee can heal.

Transformers Book of One-Shots Book 2 ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang