TF2 | Mirage X Human Femme Reader Pt. 2: A Difficult Adjustment

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Part 2 of @Ravage4's request.

(Y/N) struggles with the news that she's deaf and can't be part of N.E.S.T. like she used to. Not even the news that Ratchet can restore her hearing makes her happy because it's not enough to continue on missions. Mirage helps her get used to her new role at the base.

Lennox, Optimus, and the two medics decide to wait until tomorrow, knowing Mirage will be on his way back to tell (Y/N) what's next. Ratchet shows (Y/N) a piece of paper that says they'll talk tomorrow. (Y/N) doesn't argue as she's feeling tired.
Ratchet is happy he knows some things that (Y/N) likes to eat and has dinner waiting for her when she wakes up. Even with the half-positive outcome, Ratchet isn't looking forward to the conversation tomorrow morning.

(Y/N) figured Ratchet would talk about her recovery after she ate, but she worries about how she couldn't hear anything as Ratchet walked in with a tray, put it down on the table, and left. She eats her breakfast, trying not to worry about why she can't hear anything.

"He's almost back," Optimus informs the medics.
"Right," Ratchet sighs.
One of my least favorite parts of the job. Ratchet prepared to tell (Y/N) oddly; a slideshow of text.

(Y/N) worries seeing the two medics and Lennox walk in, not happy about the discussion. She questions the laptop until the first slide.
Your eardrums are blown, and you're completely deaf.
"Then I am useless, and Mirage will leave me because I am no longer a soldier," (Y/N) cries.
Ratchet shows her the next slide.
I might restore your hearing, but it's not guaranteed, and I have to wait until you recover from your condition.
Ratchet left out how long (Y/N) will have to wait, but she hates the idea of waiting even another day.
Now, Ratchet wants to wait until Mirage returns to finish the conversation.

Optimus told everyone to clear the area as he waits for Mirage to drive in. Knowing the spy will not like the news.
Mirage knows seeing Optimus waiting for him in the hangar rather than his office means something happened (Y/N).
"What happened?" He asks, his holoform rushing to Optimus. Mirage couldn't believe what he is hearing, "unbelievable, I should have been there to protect her!"
"You know that (Y/N) knew the risks of fighting the cons-."
"I should have told her no!"
"So you want (Y/N) not to be happy?"
"Is she now?! No!"
Before Optimus could say something, Mirage rushed to the medbay.

Knowing how pissed Mirage would be, Ratchet waits at the doors to the medbay.
"Get out of my way!* Mirage yells.
"You need to calm down. (Y/N) is already upset that she can't hear anything. I've been waiting for you to get back to talk about what I can do. You need to be calm. Use my laptop to talk to her. I was using a slideshow to talk to her."

Mirage hates how, rather than smile, (Y/N) cries, seeing he has returned. Ratchet gives Mirage his laptop to type what he wants to say to his sparkmate. Lennox and Optimus wait with Ratchet to talk to (Y/N).
"I know, I'm useless, and we're through," (Y/N) cries before Mirage can type anything.
Mirage kisses her, hoping this will show her she's wrong. He types what he wants to tell her.
I love you no matter what. Let Ratchet tells us if he can do anything.
Mirage moves the chair by the bed and takes (Y/N)'s hand. Lennox, Ratchet, and Prime walk into the room. Ratchet gets the slideshow he prepared earlier and adds to it. Though this is harder than if everyone had a laptop. Though (Y/N) will read what the two want to tell her, Lennox and Optimus want to be in the room with (Y/N).
Ratchet: I can help restore your hearing, but unfortunately, not enough to continue to be part of battles.
Optimus: I think we can find work around the base, but we need to wait to see how the procedure goes.
Mirage: you can help me with my cases.
Ratchet: I may be able to place hearing aids to restore hearing. I will have to wait until your ears recover from the surgery before turning on the devices. I'm sorry, but it's going to be at least a month. You have a minor concussion, so recovery won't take long.
Optimus quickly adds that (Y/N) can work with Mirage once Ratchet believes she has recovered from the concussion. He wants her to stay with Mirage most of the time until the hearing aids are turned on.
Mirage shows (Y/N) that they can communicate through texting. He hopes she won't refuse to speak until Ratchet turns the hearing aids on but knows she could be concerned about accidentally yelling.
It's hard for (Y/N) not to hear Mirage's voice.
Mirage hates how she cries, but knows she should cry.
Mirage requests time off to focus on (Y/N)'s mental health.

It's a challenging two weeks before Ratchet believes (Y/N) is ready for surgery. Mirage and Ratchet regret that it'll be three weeks before Ratchet will turn the devices on.
Mirage watches his sparkmate be taken to surgery, hoping the medics don't find the damage is too severe for hearing aids to help.

Mirage tries to work on his cases but stares at the picture of his sparkmate he has on his desk, worried.
Four hours pass before Ratchet tells Mirage that (Y/N) is out of surgery.

(Y/N) is still asleep when the two mechs walk into the room. Mirage sits by the bed and holds (Y/N)'s hand. He doesn't wait long for her to wake up. Happy that she smiles. He had already prepared a few notes. Immediately showing her a note.
Remember, you must wait until your ears heal from surgery before Ratchet turns on the hearing aids.
Mirage kisses (Y/N) and waits for Ratchet to come to talk to them.

(Y/N) is released from the medbay two hours later. She does not like how she has to wait longer to hear anything. Mirage takes her to their room, dreading the three weeks until Ratchet will turn on the hearing aids. Hoping that by then, (Y/N) will be used to working with him rather than doing military training and missions.

(Y/N) still struggles with the fact that she's still deaf, even if it's only for a few more weeks. Mirage does his best to help her, knowing she hates how they can only communicate through texting or notes. The only good thing is that (Y/N) can't hear the rude comments that Mirage hears about her. Mirage wants to deal with the soldiers but also worries that it will be how (Y/N) finds out soldiers are being insulting, knowing she can't hear them. He talks to Lennox about the issue while (Y/N) is at an appointment with Ratchet to make sure she's healing right.

With Lennox planning on talking to everyone, Mirage tries not to worry too much, but he worries that (Y/N) will hear the bullying before everyone hears that (Y/N) can hear again.

Mirage and (Y/N) deal with their own challenges for the next two weeks until the appointment they've both been waiting for.
Mirage asks Ratchet to signal that the hearing aids are turned on so he can be the first voice she hears. Ratchet nods to show that he turned the hearing aids on.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Mirage comments and smiles, seeing (Y/N) smile.
"I'll leave you two alone," Ratchet comments as (Y/N) hugs Mirage, "but no fragging in my medbay!"
Mirage loves hearing (Y/N) laugh at what Ratchet said.
"I missed this smile," he smiles and kisses (Y/N).
"I still can't believe what happened," (Y/N) sighs, "even if this means more time together-."
"I know this will be hard to get used to. I wonder if I can get Lennox to let you help Sideswipe and Ironhide teach rookies."
The two leave the medbay to talk to Lennox.

Lennox, Ironhide, and Sideswipe agree with Mirage's idea. They know (Y/N) can protect herself if cons attack the base. Ironhide and Sideswipe disagree with the rules that led (Y/N) to no longer be allowed in missions, but they know arguing is pointless. They only hope she'll get used to her new tasks at the base.
"I think things will get better from here," Mirage smiles.
He knows it'll be hard for (Y/N) to watch her team go on missions without her for a while, but he will help her get through that.

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