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Meanwhile, I was in mine and Soundwave's berth room. MegaWave was in his room playing with his toys that his Grandsire had given him. I was sitting at Soundwave's desk working on something when I heard something scratching at the door. I got up and I opened the doors and soon something jumped at me and started purring and nuzzling me. I giggled. I then looked to see who it was. I immediately gasped at what I was seeing. "Ravage." I whispered. The figure nodded. Telling me that she was Ravage. I was astonished to see her. I quickly lifted her up. But I had an idea. "Ravage. Shh. I have an idea we can surprise Soundwave with you being back." I said to Ravage. I then com-linked Soundwave to come to our room. "Soundwave. I need you to come to our room honey. It's important." I said to my husband. Soon I heard him reply back to me. "Alright I'll be there, sweet spark." He replied back.

I went and sat Ravage in our washroom. "Shh. I'll come and get you." I said to Ravage. She nodded. I then walked back into our room and I sat down on the chair at my husband's desk. Soon a bridge opened. And out came Soundwave. "You wanted to see me sweet spark." He asked me. I nodded. "Yes, I did. I have a surprise for you. But take your visor off and cover your eyes." I said and asked him. Soundwave tilted his helm. "Okay." He replied. Soundwave walked over and sat down on the berth and did what you asked him. I smiled and I walked into the washroom and I lifted Ravage up. I then walked over and I stood in front of him. I smiled. "Alright. You can open your eyes now, Soundwave." I said to my husband.

Soon he opened his eyes and he immediately widened them. He was shocked at what you were holding and what was in your arms. It was something he thought he had lost forever and something he thought he would never get to see again. His symbiote and his daughter Ravage. "R….Ravage." He said to her, calling her name. Ravage turned and she looked at her sire. She immediately jumped out of my arms and jumped into Soundwave's. I then saw tears coming from his optics. I walked over and sat down next to him. "I….I thought I would never see you again Ravage. I….I thought I had lost you forever. I looked everywhere for you." He said to Ravage. He then felt Laserbeak trying to pull away. He then deployed her. "Ravage. Where were you? Where have you been all this time?" He asks her. "It's a long story sire." She replied back.

Soundwave went and he stroked. Ravage purred. He then looked at me. "Thank you sweet spark. This is the best gift and surprise ever." He leaned forward and kissed me on my cheeks. I smiled. "You're welcome. I was surprised that I saw her. I was sitting at your desk just working on something when I heard something scratching at the door. I got up to check it and when I opened the doors I wasn't able to really see it because she jumped right on me." Soundwave looked down at Ravage. "Ravage. I told you not to do that." He said to Ravage. "Ummm." Ravage said in an amusing tone. Soundwave shook his helm. "Well, I know who would like to see you. MegaWave, could you come to our room please." Soundwave said, calling out for his son. "Oh and I also need SilverDust to come to our room." Soundwave said out loud.

"I'll ask my sire to tell her that we need to see her." I said to Soundwave. I then messaged my sire through our bond. "Sire. Can you tell SilverDust to come to our room? Me and Soundwave need to see her and we need to talk to her." I said to my father. Soon he replied back to me. "Yes, I will." He replied back. "Thank you, sire." I then ended the chat and we waited for our daughter but we saw MegaWave coming out. "You wanted to see me sire and carrier." He asks us. "Yes. We did, son." Soundwave said to his son. MegaWave then saw his sire holding something. He tilted his helm. "Sire. Who's that?" He asked his sire. Soundwave chuckled. "Son. I would like you to meet my daughter Ravage. She's a symbiote. And she is a cyber cat. I had before I met your mother." Soundwave explained to his son. "How's she your daughter sire? You didn't have her like what mine and sissy's carrier had us." He said to his sire. Soundwave's eyes widened at the question and answer his son had given him. "Uh. Well, I found her as a young cyber cat, well like a baby cyber cat and she claimed me to be her sire." He said to his son.

Soon our doors opened. We looked and saw SilverDust and we soon saw her eyes widened. And before we knew it she almost went crazy. Like cuteness crazy. That's how I should say and should describe it. Both me and Soundwave immediately droned out our daughter's squealing. We then saw Ravage immediately screeched and she jumped off Soundwave's lap and she went and she immediately hid from the loud squealing that was coming from our daughter.

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