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5 hours had passed and the human girl was still sleeping. My father has told knockout to let him know when she wakes up. Knockout was working in the med bay until he heard something. He turned and saw the human girl waking up. He then com-linked his master. "My Liege. I need you in the med bay. She's waking up." He said to his master. "Alright, I'll be there." Megatron replied back. The human girl opened her eyes and she looked and she saw a red Cybertronian.

She growled. "Why am I here? I demand to know." She asked him. Knockout ignored her. Soon she got something and threw it at him. "Hey! WATCH THE PAINT! I am not telling you." Soon the doors open. Knockout looked and saw Lord Megatron. "I'll let him answer for you femme." Soon Knockout left. The girl looked at the silver and purple gray mech. "I want to know and I demand to know why I am here." She asked him. Megatron growled. He walked and paced back and forth.

"The reason why you are here, fleshling, is because you are my queen. But what I want to know is why you of all people and all Cybertronians, for you my queen to choose to be a human. Why my love. Why choose this and not be with your daughter and me. Why?" He asked her. The girl tilted her head. "Uh. Mister. I don't know what you are talking about." She replied back. Megatron walked over and bent down. He then showed a picture of his queen. "There. See this picture. You look exactly like her. Why?" He asked her. "I don't know." She replied back. The girl gently took the photo and she looked at it. Soon something was triggering in her mind. "Why does he look so familiar? Where have I seen him before." She thought and said to herself. "So fleshling what name do you go by." He asked her.

"I….I go by a nickname called Blazer. Don't know why." She replied back to his question. Megatron was shocked. "The name of my queen was SilverBlaze. But if you are my queen. Please try to remember. Remember us, remember our love, and remember our sparkling. If it is you, I have missed you." The girl soon saw him walking off until she asked him something. "Mister. I don't know why I am thinking of this. But maybe someone told me. But did someone give you a nickname by calling you Megs or Megsy?" Megatron's eyes widened. He hadn't been called that for eons or for millions of years since the day his queen had died and perished. His queen was the only one who called him that.

He then turned around and answered her question. "Yes….my queen and my wife used to call me that. She used to call me that when she was alive. But no one knew that only my daughter and me and my queen knew that. Unless. You could be her. If it is you, it will take time for you to remember." Megatron walked over and gently lifted her up. He then walked out. He was walking when he slammed into someone. He looked down and saw Starscream. "Oh my Liege. I am sorry. I. Your majesty. Wait, my Liege I thought." He then looked at his master. "Same here Starscream. But she could be the queen. It will take her time to remember. But remember this Starscream, never lay a hand on her. Is that clear?" He said to Starscream. "Yes master. Uh. Your majesty." Soon Starscream walked off. "Mister." He then stopped her.

"Please call me Megatron." He then carried on and was walking until he saw Soundwave. "Soundwave. How's my daughter?" He asked him. Soundwave walked over. "She's okay for right now. She's, how can I say it? She looks like she was traumatized. But I don't know." Soon Soundwave looked down. "Master. BlueDust is right, she does look like the queen." He said to his master. "Alright. And yes she does look like the queen. Just inform me further on how her health is." He said to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded and proceeded his way. Megatron then went and he walked to his quarters.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction BlueDust Daughter Of MegatronWhere stories live. Discover now