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"So how are you holding up?" My father asked me. "Me, well the twins are almost taking my energy. Soundwave has to help me almost get around. Which I hate. I am like you where I don't like to just lay around and not do anything. Anyways the twins are already making movements." Megatron looked at you. "Really." I nodded. "Yes. One of the twins actually kicked." Megatron smiled. "Well, I know they will be just like you and of course just like Soundwave. Anyways I better get going and get this ship back in running order." Megatron then walked off. I was sitting when I felt the twins doing a lot of movement which was really uncomfortable. "Ummm. Please my little darlings, you are making your carrier uncomfortable." I got up and slowly walked to the berth. I slid on and laid down. I really didn't feel like myself. "Sounds, I need you. The twins are making me really uncomfortable." I said to him letting him know I was in pain. "I'll be right there my dear." I waited for Soundwave until I heard the hum of the bridge opening. I looked and saw him walking out.

Soundwave stepped out of the bridge and took his visor off and walked towards you. He lifted you up and cradled you. "So our sparklings are making you uncomfortable." I nodded. "Well, we can't have that now can we." I shook my helm. Then he gently rubbed my stomach/tank. I then felt the twins relaxing once they knew it was their sire. "Hmmm. Thanks, Sounds. The twins are a lot calmer because they know it's their sire." Soundwave chuckled. "Anything for you and our sparklings." I went and rested my helm on his chest.

"So how did your father know it was us?" I chuckled. "Well, I walked into our room and found a cube of energon. Which I thought was from you. But I went and drank the cube and it was nasty. It was a bad energon. Soon I saw the doors open and it was dad. And he said got you. And of course he did." He chuckled. "Well, looks like we got what we had coming my dear." I giggled. "Yeah, I guess we did." We were relaxing when I started to not feel well. "Sounds get me up please." Soundwave lifted you up and carried you into the washroom. I went over and started throwing up. Soundwave went over and grabbed a cloth and rubbed your back. "Hmmm." I leaned back. Soundwave went over and wiped your mouth. "Better my dear." I nodded. "Yeah."

"You want some fresh air my dear." I smiled. "That sounds like a good idea, Soundwave." I went and wrapped my servos around his neck and he lifted me up. We walked out and headed out in the halls. We walked but slammed into my father. "Umph." Megatron shook his helm. He looked up and saw you and Soundwave. "BlueDust." I put my hand up. "I am fine, father. I just need some fresh air. The twins are not making me feel very well." Megatron nodded. He went over and kissed your helm. "Love you kiddo." I smiled. "Hmmm. Love you too, father."

Soundwave walked and headed out for the flightdeck. We approached the flightdeck and we both sat down. "Is dad keeping an eye and watching Airachnid." I asked him. "Yes, he is. She won't bother you or me or our twins anymore." I nodded. "Good. I can't risk worrying about her then having to worry about our twins." We were thinking and everything. We were enjoying everything that I was remembering the memories about with me and Soundwave. The memories are sweet and loving. He was always there for me and he still is. And that's why I love him, and that's why he will be a great sire to our wonderful twins.

Okay the next page would be fast forward to 4 months. It is to where BlueDust is heavily pregnant but she is almost ready.

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