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Megatron was sitting at his desk looking over things. He glanced over and he looked at the photo of him and his wife and his daughter. Megatron sighs. "I really do miss you my queen. I just wish you were here to see how much our daughter has grown and with our beautiful granddaughter and grandson." He said to himself. He went back to writing things when there was a knock at his door. "Come in." He said. His doors opened and he looked to see who it was and it was Soundwave. "Soundwave. What brings you here to see me." He asked him. "I need your help master. I need you to use your instinct of smell to locate and to find one of the twins. Which is MegaWave. He had run off and I looked at the security footage on my pad and I didn't see him." He said and explained to his master.

Megatron's eyes widened. He was definitely worried about the safety of his grandson. "Yes. Of course Soundwave. Anything to find my grandson and yours and BlueDust's son." He said to Soundwave. Megatron got up and he walked out of his room. Once in the halls he decided to do something that he hadn't used in such a long time. He then switched to his feral mode. His eyes changed but soon his sense of smell got stronger. Soon he started to sniff. *Sniff Sniff*. "This way." Megatron said while pointing in the direction. Soundwave watched and followed his master. Megatron went and he stopped. He then turned and walked to another area.

Soundwave was following behind his master. Soon he heard his master growl. "Sorry Soundwave. I sense and I can smell that MegaWave is in that room." He said to Soundwave. Soon Megatron switched back to his normal self. "I'll only use this for an emergency. It will only be used for something like this. I hope everything goes well." He said to Soundwave. Soon Megatron walked off to let Soundwave have time with his son MegaWave. Soundwave watched his master walk off. He then turned and he looked at the doors.

Soundwave walked up and soon the doors opened. He walked in and he scanned and he looked around. Soundwave went and turned on a light that was with his visor. He searched around until he saw a figure sitting alone in the dark. Soundwave sighs. Soundwave walked up and he sat down next to his son. "Son. Listen. I am proud of you no matter what. And I appreciate that you are looking up to me and your Grandsire." He said and explained to his son. MegaWave looked at his sire. "R….really." He asked his sire. Soundwave took his visor off and he smiled and he looked at his son.

Soundwave chuckled. "Yes really. Now let's head back. Your carrier is worried." He said to his son. "Okay sire." Soundwave got up and he lifted his son up. Soon they walked out. They were walking and they were going to pass Megatron's room when his doors opened. Megatron stopped and he saw his grandson. He sighs in relief. "Thank Primus you are okay grandson." MegaWave turned. "Grandsire, sire. How did you find me that fast?" He asked them. Soundwave chuckled. "Well. It was your Grandsire that found you." He said and explained to his son. "Oh. How Grandsire." He asked his grandsire. Megatron chuckled. "If I show you, you won't get scared, will you." He asked his grandson.

MegaWave was confused. "Uh. I don't think so, Grandsire. But why are you asking me this?" He asked his grandsire. "This is what I mean grandson." Megatron said to his grandson. Soon MegaWave saw his grandsire's mode change into something different. He then saw his grandsire open his optics and they were a different way. They were the same color but they looked different. MegaWave tilted his helm. He reached out and lightly touched his Grandsire's faceplates. The feeling was different from his original faceplates. He looked at his grandsire and he noticed something that was different. His sharp dentas were sharper, like really sharp. He was completely astonished. His Grandsire was different but in a cool way.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction BlueDust Daughter Of MegatronWhere stories live. Discover now