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After everything and when Megatron got what he needed he wasn't happy at all. Knockout tried to stay back. But he had to make sure that he got what he needed to get to stay better and to fight the bug. Megaton laid his head down. "This is so stupid." He said to himself. He then looked and saw Knockout. Megatron hissed at Knockout. Knockout quickly went the other way and went into the other room. Sighs. "I hate Big M. I am trying to get him to stay better and this is what I get. I mean come on." Knockout walked over and texted you telling you that your father is being a jerk right now and that he is trying to get him to stay better.

I was cuddling with Soundwave when I heard my pad go off. "Sounds, can you get the pad?" Soundwave extracted his tentacles and reached for your pad and handed it to you. "Thanks." I opened my pad. Sighs. "Seriously." I said out loud getting really annoyed. "What's wrong, sweet spark." He asked you. "It's my father. He's being a jerk. Knockout just texted me and told me that he is trying to get my father to get better. But I can't tell my father to do something." Soundwave sighs. "Yes, that is true. Our master/your father is a stubborn mech. But that's just him. Anyways just ignore Knockout. If our master/your father does anything else then go." I nodded. I went and tugged his tentacles. He looked at me. "Yes." He said to me wondering what I was going to say. "You haven't given me that thing, Sounds." Soundwave looked at you. "What thing?" He asked you. "You told me before you went to your shift that I better be waiting."

Soundwave was confused until it hit him. He smirked and smiled at you. "But you are carrying my love." "Yes, I know. But why can't we have some fun?" After saying that I knew I was turning on Soundwave. "Sweet spark, don't." I smiled. "I want fun." Soundwave tries to hold it. "Please not." I went over and lifted his visor up. I smiled at him seeing his beautiful hue purple eyes. "Sweet spark, not." Before he could finish I was kissing him. Soundwave's vision went blurry once he felt your tongue. He groaned, feeling it. I was kissing him when I felt his servos going down my sides.

"Hmmm." We were almost into it until Soundwave's doors opened. We looked and saw Knockout. "PRINCESS I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! Deal with Big M." I sigh. "Knockout please. Just tell my father to take it or he'll not hear the end of it. I want time with Soundwave. Got it." Soundwave chuckled. "Yes princess." Knockout left. Knockout walked and went to the med bay. The doors opened and Megatron saw Knockout. "My Liege please, you need to take it." Megatron shook his helm. "Frag no. Uh huh. No way. I hate the stuff and you know that I do." Sighs. "Yes I do my Liege. But just take the fragging thing. BlueDust says to take it or you'll not hear the end of it." Megatron laid his helm down. "She's just like her mother. Fine. Give it here." Knockout walked over and gave him the medicine.

Megatron grabbed the medicine and took it. He immediately didn't like the taste. "Yuck." He gave the cube back to Knockout. Megatron laid his head down. He whispered to himself. "I understand she worries about me. But I am a grown mech." Sighs. "But I do love my daughter. She reminds me so much of her mother. Always making me do things that I don't want to do." Sighs. "I do miss that." Soon he chuckles. "I wish you were here my dear. And to see how much our daughter has grown. And to see our grandsparklings." He went down and soon he had tears in his eyes. Knockout saw this and left immediately and went to see the princess.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction BlueDust Daughter Of MegatronWhere stories live. Discover now