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-In the present, Rumple is in the library, talking with the mirror-

Mirror: So, you wanna say that you're dying and you didn't tell Belle about it?
Rumple: Yes. And you won't tell her either.
Mirror: And what you're gonna do?
Rumple: I'll spend my last months on earth making her happy. Trying being the man she deserves... That's all what I can do right now.
Oh, and... I'm sorry that you're a mirror again. I didn't think this would happen, and I don't know how to get you out of there.
Mirror: Don't worry. I missed this place, I realized that life is better here.
Rumple: Why would you say that? What happend in Storybrooke?
Mirror: I... I kinda fell in love. That woman didn't feel the same way about me. She tricked me. Used me...and I fell into her trap.
Rumple: Who would do that to you?
Mirror: It doesn't matter anymore. In the mirror no one can break my heart.
Rumple: Tell me who that person is and I will make her pay.
Mirror: It's not worth it. If you keep doing bad things, you will bring your own end even sooner.
Rumple: I guess you're right...
Mirror: *changing his mood* So...How are you going to start being the best version of you?
Rumple: I wanna take Belle on our honeymoon.
Mirror: It doesn't make any sense. The wedding happened a few months ago.
Rumple: I know. But we never had the chance to do it.
Mirror: *smiles* You are so lucky to have each other. And never doubt that you don't deserve it, because you do.

He smiles too. After some time, Rumple finds Belle outside in the yard, painting. Her posture was upright, her hair flowing down her back, wearing a flowing dress. She looked like an angel, even if he could only see her from behind. She was like the painting she was doing, perfectly created. He approached her with light steps, placing his hands on her bare shoulders, warm from the sun's rays. Belle removes the brush from the canvas with a shudder. She remains like that, not turning her head, knowing who was behind her.

Rumple: It looks beautiful...Almost like you.
Belle: *smiles* I wanted to catch a river that flows close to the mountains. You know, I like painting places where I would like to go.
Rumple: And you will go...
Belle: *turns her head to him* We both will. *smiles*
Rumple: *puts a forced smile on his face* I have a surprise for you.
Belle: *raises her eyebrows* You do?
Rumple: Yeah... If you remember, we never had the chance to go to our honeymoon. So how about you go and pack your luggage right now, and we'll leave after lunch. You want that?
Belle: Yeah! Yeah, I do! Where are we going?
Rumple: Well, that's the surprise.

She gets up with a smile, takes off her apron and puts it on the chair.

Belle: Let me take this first. *she wants to grab the canvas and the easel*
Rumple: Oh, don't worry. Go and pack the other things, I'll take this.
Belle: Okay, thank you.

She kissed him and left. After some time, they were both on the porch of the castle, he with two suitcases in his hands.

Belle: So... what will we go with?
Rumple: With something called teleportation.
Belle: Oh, I see.
Rumple: Now, close your eyes.

She takes his arm and closes her eyes. With a kick of his foot he teleported them both into a forest. She could feel the grass under her feet, wondering where he had taken her.

Belle: Can I open my eyes?
Rumple: Not yet. Do you trust me?
Belle: Yeah, of course I do.
Rumple: Then come.

They walk slowly through the forest, until they arrived at a small cottage. It was the one he promised her that they would return to, a few years ago. However, it was no longer dusty.

Belle: Can I open my eyes now?
Rumple: Yes, now you can...

She slowly opened her eyes, being amazed by what she saw. However, she felt guilty about the fact that she forgot about this wonderful place that she discovered. Her mouth opened involuntarily.

Belle: This place... You've remembered!
Rumple: I couldn't forget. When I saw your facial expression a few years ago, when you discovered this house, I simply couldn't get it out of my head. You were so happy.
Belle: *threw herself into his arms* Thank you! But, why does it look clean?
Rumple: Because it is. I came yesterday and cleaned this place, regardless of the method. *she laughts* The thing is that I couldn't let you work on our honeymoon. It's too cruel.
Belle: Too cruel even for you?
Rumple: When it comes to my wife, yes. *she smiles* Let's go, shall we?

   As they entered, the cottage seen from the inside was even more magical.  Although it was something small and quite old, it looked like something out of a fairy tale.

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