Wishing To Lose The Feelings

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In the past, no more than a month before Rumple let Belle go.

It was the middle of the night.  He, being awake, got up slowly from the bed so as not to wake her and leaves the room.  He went to the library, took out from his pocket a jar with a blue liquid inside and put it on the table in front of the window. He rested his hands on the table above the potion and looked at it, lost. 

Mirror: Dark one! *Rumple flinched*  What are you doing here at this hour?
Rumple: That's none of your business...
Mirror: You're okay?  *Rumple looked at him, then back at the jar. He noticed that.*  What is that? 
Rumple: What part of "it's none of your business" did you not understand?
Mirror: I see you are not feeling well and even if you don't think so, sometimes you need to talk to someone.
Rumple: I don't need you or anyone else.  I have me and that's enough.  And I'll make sure it always stays that way.
Mirror: What are you talking about?
Rumple: *takes a breath, hesitating to answer, but does it anyway*  I got this potion from a man named Doctor Jekyll. We made a deal, to be precise.  He not only assured me, but also showed me that this liquid can split you in two.  If I drink this potion, there will be two Rumplestiltskin.  The good one, with a pure soul, and the bad one.
Mirror: Oh, now I get it. Belle was right all this time, you really did change. You want to get rid of your bad side, don't you?
Rumple: No, actually, I wanna kill the good one.
Mirror: Wh-What?!
Rumple: If I kill my good side I will be invincible. I will be more powerful than ever.
Mirror: But you are powerful enough—
Rumple: Yes, but something will always drag me down.  Look, if I kill the good part of me then, I think, I will lose my ability to love.
Mirror: But that's horrible!
Rumple: No, it's not. *gasp* Love means weakness...  And I can't have any.  Not anymore...
Mirror: So that's what this is about. You finally admit the feelings you have for Belle and you're coward enough to wish you didn't have them anymore.
Rumple: What?!  What feelings for Belle?  I don't have anything like that.
Mirror: You can lie to everyone, even yourself, but you can't lie to me even if you want to.  I know you too well, Rumple.  Maybe sometimes you are cold as ice, but in the right hands you melt... *Rumple grimaced* You're afraid she'll leave you like everyone else did, aren't you? Please, don't make the mistake of drinking that.
Rumple: Look, hear me out.  I don't care what nonsense you say.  I won't change my mind. *opens the jar*
Mirror: Wait!  What will you do about your son?  If you're not going to love anyone, then you're going to stop looking for him.
Rumple: Maybe it's better that way.  I spent decades looking for Bae.  The fact that I didn't find him shows me only one thing... he doesn't want to be found.  He still hasn't forgiven me, and I finally understand that.
Mirror: It's not too late for him to forgive you. He will surely give you a chance—
Rumple: SHUT UP!  *He grabbed the table and knocked it nervously onto the floor, with all the things on it breaking* Go away!
Mirror: But you can't do this!
Rumple: Oh, yeah?  Watch me!

He faced the window, sure of himself.  When he wanted to pour the liquid down his throat, a thin and familiar voice was heard. Sidney disappears.

Belle: Rumple?
Rumple: *stands there with his back to her* Belle. I'm sorry, I woke you up?
Belle: Oh, no. I just had a dream and that's why, but after that I saw that you were gone.  Then I heard a thud, so I got up. What happend?
Rumple: *He quickly puts the lid on the potion, puts the jar in his pocket and turns to face her* Uh, nothing... Nothing, really.
Belle: *confused* Are you sure?
Rumple: Yeah, there's... nothing to worry about. Look, you go back to bed, and I'll be right back.
Belle: And... the mess—
Rumple: I will gather these things.
Belle: Oh... Are you sure you don't wanna help you?
Rumple: Yes. I am. Go to sleep.
Belle: Uh, okay... Good night then...and...thank you.
Rumple: Good night.

She leaves, still with a confused face. Rumple turns to face the window again and takes the jar out of his pocket, staring at it again for a long time. After some time he threw the bottle with the liquid on the floor, breaking it. Sidney appears again.

Mirror: Good job Mr Stiltskin. I'm really proud of you.
Rumple: *pissed off* If something bad happens, it's only your fault. And I will make you pay with your life. *He magically makes the table rise with all the things that were on it*
Mirror: You know you did the right thing...
Rumple: We'll see about that. *leaves*

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