The Man Behind The Beast

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Rumplestiltskin and Belle continue traveling by foot, to find the thief.

Belle: You, uh, you know it's still not too late to... to turn back. You know, I am not going to stand by and watch you kill a man.
Rumple: Well, you're welcome to sit if you like, but you are gonna watch. That's the whole point of our little expedition, remember? To see what your actions wrought. (Rumplestiltskin can see the thief from afar.) Found him.
Belle: Look, he's... he's waiting for someone. (A carriage comes bearing a sick woman.) That woman.
Rumple: That must be the one he stole from the sheriff.
Belle: She's sick. She's going to die.
Rumple: Yeah, and so is he.
Belle: Stop! (The thief uses the wand to heal the sick woman.) I'm right about him, about why he stole the wand. He did it so he could heal the woman he loves.
Rumple: He's still a thief.
Belle: And she would have died if he hadn't stolen your wand.
Rumple: And now he gets to die! And she can tell all of Sherwood Forest what happens when you cross Rumplestiltskin. There! (Magically places the lower half of her body into the ground.) That should give you a good view.
Belle: You don't have to do this. There's good in you. I was right about the thief, and I am right about you. Look, she's pregnant. You are not the kind of man to leave a child fatherless. (Exhales) No! (He shoots the arrow, but it hits the carriage.)
Thief: We've been found. Marian, we must go.
Belle: What happend?
Rumple: I missed. (The thief and the woman get onto a horse, and ride off into the distance.) Get back to the carriage. I'm bored of this forest.
Belle: You're—you're not going after him?
Rumple: He's not worth the effort.
Belle: You spared his life.
Rumple: What? I did nothing of the sort.
Belle: That bow has magic in it. It never misses its target.
Rumple: Well, perhaps the magic just simply wore... off. (Belle smiles and hugs Rumplestilskin.)
Belle: Aren't you coming? (he picks up the bow and follows her with a smile)

They finally got home, in the night.

Belle: Looks like you won't be needing that bow anymore.
Rumple: Actually, I think I'll hold onto it. You never know. Could come in handy someday.
Belle: Well, uh, if you don't need me for anything else, good night, Rumplestiltskin.

Rumple: No, wait. There is something else. (He takes her to a room in his castle that has thousands of books lining the walls.) Temper your excitement, dearie. This is merely another room for you to clean.
Belle: Wow, this room wasn't like this before. It was empty...
Rumple: I know. I've seen that you like reading so i changed it a bit.
Belle: It''s beautiful. There's more books in here than I could read in a lifetime.
Rumple: Well, I hope you can clean faster than you can read.
Belle: Did you do all this for me?
Rumple: I better not see a single speck of dust gathering on any of these books. What are you smiling at? I'm serious.

Then belle approaches him and holds his hand.

Belle: You're not who I thought you were. And I'm glad. *They both smile*

After a very long silence, Rumplestiltskin goes in front of a covered mirror. All the mirrors in his castle were covered and Belle didn't understand why.

Rumple: I suppose you feel quite alone here, in the castle. That's why, this will help you stop feeling like that.
Belle: Uh... A mirror?
Rumple: This is not an ordinary mirror. It's a magic one. This is the only one I let you leave uncovered.

Then The Dark One grabbed the cover with his hands and lifted it up. Belle could see her reflection, but not for long, because a human face appeared in the mirror. Belle was scared, but when she turned her head towards Rumplestiltskin, he disappeared.

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