The Ring

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In the morning, after drinking their tea, they were both in the yard, talking.

Belle: So... Tell me what you did in Neverland.
Rumple: I had to defeat Peter Pan, and I succeeded.
Belle: Oh, I heard about him.
Rumple: Yeah, well... He's my father.
Belle: Wh-What?! Your father?!
Rumple: Mhm.
Belle: But, he's not a child?
Rumple: He is. He abandoned me so he can become a child and stay there forever.
Belle: It's awful.
Rumple: I know. Anyway, I helped the people.
Belle: Well, I'm glad you're making progress.
Rumple: You are right. I'm changed now. Belle: You really are. But... Did you... you know... kill people?
Rumple: *approaches her* Oh Belle... Everything I did there was for the good of them.
*they smile and kiss*

Before lunch when Belle was cleaning, Snow White and Prince Charming came to The Dark Castle.

Snow: Rumplestiltskin! We need to talk to you!
Rumple: The Charmings... How cute.
Charming: We don't have time for that. We have something urgent to ask you.
Rumple: Yes, yes, I know. You want to know about The Evil Queen's curse.
Charming: Tell us what you know!
Rumple: Oh, but don't you want to have a cup of tea?
Snow: Please tell us. It's important.
Rumple: But of course it is, Dearie. That's why it will cost you a price.
Snow: What do you want?
Rumple: Uh, the name of your unborn child...
Charming: Absolutely not!
Snow: Deal! Tell us what you know!
Rumple: This curse is the worst of all. It takes us to a place we could never imagine. A small and dark place. In short, in a world without magic. There will be no more happy endings for us...
Snow: How can we stop it?
Rumple: Oh, we can't do anything.
Charming: Then who can?!
Rumple: That little creature that grows in your belly. Take the child safely! Don't let the queen get to him! He is our only hope...
Charming: Thank you. *They were about to leave*
Rumple: Uh-Huh! We made a deal, remember? So, tell me... What's her name?
Charming: It's a he...
Rumple: My dear Snow, you know I'm right. So tell me, what's her name?
Snow: *silence* Emma. Her name is Emma.
Rumple: Emma...

After lunch, the Queen came to Rumple's castle aswell.

Rumple: Wow, lots of visitors today...
Regina: They came to you didn't they? They asked you about the curse, am I right?
Rumple: You are quite right, Your Majesty.
Regina: What did you tell them?
Rumple: The truth, of course. That this curse is terrible, and that no one can stop it...
*she smiles* ...Except of course their unborn child...
Regina: Right... *silence* Well, I have one more thing. The curse doesn't work. Why?
Rumple: Well, that will cost you, dearie.
Regina: What do you want?
Rumple: In this new land, I want comfort. I want to have a good life...
Regina: Fine, you will be rich.
Rumple: Uh! There's more.
Regina: There always is with you.
Rumple: Yeah, In this new land, when I ever come to you for any reason... you will have to accept my every request. You have to do everything I say, so long as I say... please. *giggles*
Regina: Do you realize that you won't remember anything?
Rumple: Then, what's the problem?
Regina: *smiles* Deal. So, tell me. What did I do wrong?
Rumple: You need to sacrifice a heart.
Regina: I already did this.
Rumple: *approaches her* A horse? That is the greatest curse. Do you think a horse will do? You have to sacrifice someone much more... precious.
Regina: Who?
Rumple: The thing you love most...
Regina: The person I love died because of Snow White!
Rumple: And are you sure that he is the only person you truly love? *she thinks about her father* The question is, how far will you go for it?
Regina: As far as possible!
*she leaves*

In the evening, Belle sat on the bench in the pavilion. Rumple comes and sits next to her.

Rumple: I know I should have shown it to you earlier, but I thought this is the right moment...
*He takes out the chipped cup from his back*
Belle: You—You still have it?
Rumple: Yeah... Your chipped cup.
Belle: Our chipped cup... *she smiles and takes it* I really thought you threw it away...
Rumple: In fact, since I let you go, it became a very important thing for me. You know, I have many objects that I collect, but this is the one I truly care about it... Belle, you are the person who made me open my eyes to many things. You are the person I love. *silence*
I am now, and for all the future yours...
Belle: Wh-What are you saying?
Rumple: *takes a ring from his back*
Will you marry me?
Belle: *happy* Yes, yes, yes!
*He puts the ring on her finger, they hug and then they kiss*

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