The Man And The Beast

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-In Storybrooke, In the mines. Rumple goes straight to Cora-

Cora: I thought it wouldn't take long until you found me... You know, we saw each other yesterday. You came because you miss me already?
Rumple: I smelled your jealousy from afar, of course I found you. And I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I came just to talk.
Cora: Well, after all, only a monster can deal with another monster. What do you want?
Rumple: Isn't it obvious? Peace. Mine and my wife's.
Cora: Wow, that's new. Not everyday The Dark One comes to your door to ask you such a thing...
Rumple: Glad that there's no door down here.
Cora: I'm surprised you had the courage to leave Belle alone, to be honest.
Rumple: She's sleeping. I put a protection spell on the house. An ordinary person like Hook can't break it.
Cora: Smart move. But i'm not an ordinary person... Thanks to you... I miss the times when you gave me magic lessons. More or less physical, of course.
Rumple: Tell me if you're going to give me and Belle peace or not. Because if you touch her with one finger, I will make you pay!
Cora: *laughts* I always liked that danger in you. *silence* Fine. I won't touch her.
Rumple: And neither the pirate.
Cora: *sighs* Okay... I'll talk to him. Anyway, I came in town for something else, not you. However, I don't know if he will listen to me... He is too obsessed with his revenge...
Rumple: Then make him listen!
Cora: Fine! I will...
Rumple: And anyway, why are you here?
Cora: I want to get along with my daughter.
Rumple: Which daughter?
Cora: Well, both. But I'll start with Regina.
I lived with her and I made some mistakes in the past... On the other hand, I never met Zelena, except when I gave her birth, of course.
Rumple: And how do you think you will win the Regina's trust again?
Cora: Giving her the thing she's always wanted... *whispers* Snow White's heart.
Rumple: Do you know that now Regina is no longer evil? Do you know that she doesn't want this anymore?
Cora: Well, I'll do it anyway. I was also wronged by that woman in the past.
Rumple: Well, good luck then. *leaves*

A few hours later, Rumple was in his shop. Snow, Emma, ​​Regina and Charming rush in.

Rumple: It has to be something important that all the Charming family and the queen entered my shop. Be careful not to slip on the floor tho, it has just been cleaned.
Emma: Gold, we need your help!
Rumple: I am very curious why...
Regina: My mother, Cora, is in town, I talked to her. She told me that—
Rumple: She will kill Snow for you to forgive her. Right?
Charming: Wait, how do you—
Regina: *sights* He already knew that...
Snow: But how did you know she was in town?
Rumple: I was the first person she visited. The irony of fate, isn't it?
Emma: You two know each other?
Rumple: I had a past with her. Before she gave birth to Regina and Zelena. A past that I would like to forget. We...
Charming: Okay, stop. I don't wanna know what kind of past you had with her, to be honest.
Emma: Help my mother, please. You are the most powerful person from here. Can you?
Rumple: Yes, I can... However, I don't want to.
Regina: Why?
Rumple: Why would I?
*Belle comes out of the back room*
Belle: What's happening?
Charming: Tell your husband not to think only about him!
Rumple: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not only thinking about myself.
Charming: Then why don't you help my wife?
Belle: Rumple, what are you doing?
Rumple: Do you know why I don't wanna do this? I spoke to her this morning. She won't touch Belle.
Regina: And are you afraid that if you are on our side she will come after her too?
Rumple: I see that it was not so difficult to understand...
Belle: Rumple, I'll be fine.
Rumple: *Out of his nerves* No, you won't! I know what Cora is capable of! I don't wanna lose you too!
*We can see everyone's face darken, feeling a little sad for him*
Rumple: *looks at them* Get out! Only people who want to buy something come to this place. If you don't intend to buy anything, then I suggest you head to the door.
Regina: We're wasting our time...
*everyone wants to go*
Emma: Wait! I want to make a deal.
Regina: No, Emma. It's like making a deal with the devil. All magic comes with a price, remember? Trust me, you don't wanna do this.
Snow: Regina's right. It's not worth it.
Rumple: *smiles* Well, I guess you have no other option. You'd do anything to save her, right? *looks at Charming*

  You'd do anything to save her, right? *looks at Charming*

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Charming: Fine. But I'll do it.
Rumple: Actually, this time I wanna make a deal with the queen. If she has the courage...
Regina: So, if we have your back, you'll have mine.
Rumple: Oh, no dearie. We will help each other and you'll give me something else in return.
Regina: I have nothing to give you—
Rumple: Not yet. But you are the strongest of you all. So, you'll own me a favor.
Snow: Regina, don't...
Regina: *silence* Deal.
Rumple: *smiles* Always a pleasure to do business with you, Your Majesty.

They all exit the shop, leaving only Belle and Rumple there, in silence. She felt disappointed, almost shedding a tear, looking at the floor. She thought about whether to say something or whether it was better to remain silent.

Rumple: I'm sorry you had to see this...
Belle: You mean the way you're making deals? Oh, well, I already know. When people become more desperate, you offer them an unfair deal to be sure they will accept, having no other solution.
Rumple: It sounds worse when you say it out loud...
Belle: Look, I know you want to protect me, but other people need your help as well.
Rumple: And you think I give a damn about the other people? I only care about you! Belle, understand that I'm not the hero you dreamed of, or the hero you want me to be. I don't "help people" just because I like doing it, without wanting something in return. I'm the exact opposite. I'm a villain... A monster.... Falling in love with the man behind the beast is not the thing that happened to you, Belle. You love me because I am the man... and the beast. Neither exists without the other... However, you are the only person who saw light in me, and I am terribly grateful for that. *breaks his voice* But I will never be the man you want, or deserve...
Belle: Rumple, you're not a monster. And you're right... I realized that even though sometimes bad things come out of you, I never stopped loving you. Not even once, not even a little. I kept holding on to you, even if I wasn't supposed to...
Rumple: And I love you for that... You know, I made that deal with Regina because, you know, I can see the future. Something bad is going to happen, I don't see clearly what, but I know we will need help. I told you this because I don't want you to consider me selfish. I know what I'm doing and I know i'm asking much but... I need you to trust me. Like no one else can.
Belle: *A tear falls on her face followed by a smile* I do. I do trust you.
Rumple: *smiles, with tears as well* I've been fighting all my life, I don't want this anymore. I want to stop, especially with you. It kills me to see you suffer and you don't deserve that for someone so young...
Belle: I don't want to fight anymore either. I guess we'll see where fate takes us...

He smiles sweetly and approaches her, grabbing her head with his hands. From that distance he could already feel the scent of her skin, invading all his senses.  And then, the monster in him falls as he kissed her lightly on the forehead. They both looked into each other's eyes as if seeing heaven itself and then he came even closer, but this time he kissed her soft lips, gently. She didn't step back, even though part of her wanted to, she just couldn't. He was right in front of her and she couldn't resist it, so she continued anyway.
It was a feeling neither of them could stop, even though they were both strong. That strengthening seemed to disappear once they were together, leaving both of them weak and unable to resist it. However, that thing felt good, so most of the time they had no intention of stopping it.
It was called love.

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