Darker Than You Think

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Rumple retuns to Belle who was reading, and sharpens the tools that he plans to kill the thief with.

Rumple: I'll try not to be too loud. Can't promise the same courtesy from our prisoner. (He leaves the room.) Belle! (Enters the room again.) Where is he?
Belle: Gone, i let him go.
Rumple: What? He was a thief.
Belle: Which doesn't give you the right to kill him.
Rumple: It gives me every right. Oh, let me guess. You think he's a hero? Stealing from me for some noble cause? You read too many books, dearie! There. (He makes Belle's book disappear) Maybe that'll stop filling your head with poisonous thoughts!
Belle: I didn't free him because of what I read in my books. I saw good in him. That man only wanted to escape with his life.
Rumple: Oh, is that what you thought? Our thief escaped with more than his life. (The place where the wand had been no longer holds it.) You were tricked. YOU FOOL GIRL!
Belle: There must be an explanation. We don't know why he needed that wand.
Rumple: He took the wand because he wanted magic! People who steal magic never have good intentions!
Belle: No! No! You can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly know them.
Rumple: Oh, we'll see what's in his heart, all right. When I shoot an arrow straight through it. And because I am a showman, it'll be with his bow. And because this is your fault, you get to come with me and watch, and know, as the blood drips from his carcass, it will be you and your rags to wipe it up.

After one hour, they were in Rumple's carriage travelling to find the thief.

Rumple: I'm losing track of him. This forest is too thick.
Belle: Maybe we should return home.
Rumple: What, and let the thief escape? What would people think if I spared the life of someone who stole from me?
Belle: That there's actually a man hiding behind the beast?
Rumple: There isn't.
Belle: Then why didn't you kill me when I freed the prisoner?
Rumple: Well, I would have. But good help these days is really hard to find.
Belle: I think that you are not as dark as you want people to believe. I think that deep down, there's love in your heart. And for something more than power.
Rumple: You're right. There is something I love. (Belle leans in, intrigued.) My things! (Rumplestilskin halts the carriage.)
Belle: You really are as dark as people say.
Rumple: Darker, dearie. Much darker.(Rumplestilskin and Belle exit the carriage.)

Sheriff of Nottingham: Uhh! (Sniffs) What are you doing in my woods?
Rumple: Pardon the intrusion, sheriff. Uh, I'm looking for a thief. He attacked me with this bow. Uh, I-I traced him as far as these woods, and then he vanished.
Sheriff: Yes, I know exactly who you're after. But I also know who you are, Rumplestiltskin.
Rumple: My reputation precedes me. Excellent.
Sheriff: Yes, as does your penchant for making deals. I'll tell you where you can find your thief... if you give me something in return.
Rumple: What do you want?
Sheriff: A night with your wench.
Rumple: Uh, she's not for sale.
Sheriff: (Laughs) You can't part with her for, say, an hour? 20 minutes?
Rumple: Let me think. Um... (Conjures the Sheriff's tongue out of his mouth, and into his hand. Giggles) I propose a new deal. I give you this back, and in return, you tell me everything you know about the man I am hunting. (Sheriff gagging) You ought to be more careful with your possessions. Do you agree to my terms? (Continues gagging) What was that? (Grunts) All right, I'll take that as a "yes" then.
Sheriff: Aah! Aah! (Gasping)
Rumple: Start talking.
Sheriff: The thief that you're after—I've been chasing him for years. He ruined me! He stole the woman I love and... made me the laughing stock of all of Nottingham.
Rumple: Where can i find him?
Sheriff: Well, the last I heard, he was hiding out in Sherwood Forest.
Rumple: And his name?
Sheriff: Robin Hood. He goes by "Robin Hood."

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