Skin Deep

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-In the evening-

Rumple sat at the window and waited for Belle.

Mirror: Is she coming?
Rumple: No. It's clear, she's not coming back.
Mirror: But... Why did you let her go?
Rumple: Because I know what it's like not to be with your family. It's painful. I saw she misses them.
Mirror: She missed them even the first months when she came to live here. Why haven't you let her go then?
Rumple: Because i didn't care about her.
Mirror: And now you do?

He did not answer the question. He looked out the window again and saw Belle.

Rumple: She's coming back...

Forgetting about magic and that he could teleport, Rumple ran towards the room where the spinning wheel was. Belle enters the room.

Rumple: Oh, you're back already. Good. Good thing. I'm, uh... I'm nearly out of straw.
Belle: Hmm. (She crosses to the wheel and puts down her basket.) Come on, you're happy that I'm back.
Rumple: I'm not unhappy. *Belle giggles*
Belle: So, you promised me a story.
Rumple: Did I?
Belle: Mhm. *She forces him to stop spinning and sits with him* Tell me about your son.
Rumple: I lost him. There's nothing more to tell, really.
Belle: And since then, you've loved no one. And no one has loved you...
Rumple: *whispers* Why did you come back?
Belle: I wasn't going to. But something changed my mind...

He looks into her eyes and takes a breath.

Belle: What?
Rumple: No one, no woman has ever looked at me like that. Not even my wife...

She leans in slow... careful not to startle him, and kisses him as soft as a feather. After a moment, he kisses back. And some magic happens. He starts to transform back into a human man, the transformation to normal skin starting at his lips. He pulls back, startled, looking at her with a human face with human eyes.

Rumple: What is happening?
Belle: Kiss me again! It's working!
Rumple: What?
Belle: Any curse can be broken.

He jumps back as if burned, and his anger seems to accelerate the transformation back into the lizard-skinned Rumple we know.

Belle: She—she—

Rumple strides to a mirror and pulls aside the cover. Looking into it, he talks to the Queen.

Rumple: You evil soul. YOU DID THIS! YOU TURNED HER AGAINST ME! You think you can make me weak? YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME?
Belle: Who are you talking to?
Rumple: The Queen! Your friend the queen. How did she get to you? *He approaches her.*
Belle: I was walking away, she said—
Rumple: I knew it was a trick. I knew you could never care for me. Are you working for her? Or is this all you? Is this you being the "hero" and killing the beast?
Belle: But it was working!
Rumple: SHUT UP!
Belle: That means it's true love!

He grabs her roughly by the arm and throws her back down into the dungen.

In the morning, the dungeon's door opens. Rumple approaches and stands over her, cold.

Belle: What are you going to do to me?
Rumple: Go.
Belle: Go?
Rumple: I don't want you anymore, dearie.

She gets up and leaves but then she stops for a few seconds and turns back, standing in front of him

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She gets up and leaves but then she stops for a few seconds and turns back, standing in front of him.

Belle: You were freeing yourself. You could've had happiness if you just believed that someone could want you. But you couldn't take the chance.
Rumple: That's a lie.
Belle: You're a coward, Rumplestiltskin. And no matter how thick you make your skin, that doesn't change.
Rumple: I'm not a coward, dearie. It's quite simple, really. My power... means more to me than you.
Belle: No. No, it doesn't. You just don't think I can love you. Now, you've made your choice. And you're going to regret it. (Her voice trembles.) Forever. And all you'll have... is an empty heart... (Voice breaks) and a chipped cup. (With tears threatening to spill, she holds eye contact with him until stalking out of the cell while Rumplestiltskin does not move from his spot. As her steps recede out of earshot, he closed his eyes.)

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