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In the present, still in New York. After a week, Belle and Baelfire were out walking around town while Rumple was at the apartment, alone.  After a while, there was a knock at the door.  He goes and opens it and then his face was full of shock when he saw who was there. 

Peter Pan: It's good to see you again, son.
Rumple: No! But-But how? We defeated you. In Neverland.
Peter Pan: Oh, Rumple...  After all these years, you're still not convinced? Peter Pan never fails.
Rumple: Look, if you wanna fight, so be it.  But don't touch my wife and my son! This is between the two of us.
Peter Pan: *laughs* I'm not here to fight with you or with your beloved "family".
I'm here to give you one more chance to stay with me.
Rumple: I think I was quite clear the last time.
Peter Pan: Uh, don't you see?  Belle only accepts the good part of you, which, to be honest, doesn't even exist.
Rumple: Stop thinking you know me, because you don't.
Peter Pan:  Oh, I know you better than you think... And your son, Baelfire... He still hasn't forgiven you.
Rumple: And I understand him for that.  I haven't forgiven my father either for abandoning me.
Peter Pan: Oh please, I made you stronger.
Rumple: I was a child.  I didn't need to be strong, I needed to be safe.  I needed a family that loves me.  I never had that...until now.
Peter Pan: Fine. If you are not on my side, it means that we're enemies.
Rumple: You finally figured it out...
Peter Pan: *approaches him* You know what this thing does? *shows Rumple a golden knife*
Rumple: *scared* Wh-Where did you get that?
Peter Pan: Oh, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it works, and you are powerless here... I'm sorry Rumple, but you gave me no choice... If I want Storybrooke to be mine, I have to stop you from helping the heroes...
Rumple: Y-Yours?

Pan stabs him with the knife, and when he takes out the blade, it is full of blood.  Rumple, pained, falls to the ground. Peter Pan leaves the apartment, leaving his son there.  After a while, Belle came back from outside. When she entered the room, she was worried seeing Rumple on the floor, not moving.

Belle: *throws her bags* RUMPLE! *ran and sat next to him, on the floor* Rumple! *shakes him* Rumple, say something, please! *He opens his eyes slowly with his heart filled with joy seeing Belle*
Rumple: Belle?
Belle: *smiles* Yes! It's me. What happend?
Rumple: My...My father...
Belle: Peter Pan? But you told me you defeated him.
Rumple: That's what I thought too. *He puts his hand over the wound, suffering* Where is Bae?
Belle: He is at a restaurant...to order a pizza. Let me go there and get him. *She wants to get up, but Rumple stops her*
Rumple: No! We don't have time for that. Just... Please tell him that I love him, and that he was right all this time.  I was a coward to choose my magic over him.  And I will always regret this decision...
Belle: Rumple...
Rumple: And you... My sweetheart... You showed me a part of me that I didn't even know I still had. You gave me the love I never felt with anyone else. And for that, I am forever grateful to you.
Belle: *with tears in her eyes, sobbing* Rumple, please...
Rumple: I love you, Belle.  And I'm sorry that I caused you suffering so many times.  I never deserved you, and yet, you stayed...
Belle: I love you too, please... don't go... *she takes his hand*
Rumple: Well... *smiles* Now our deal will be broken...
Belle: But I don't want it to be broken. I want to stay with you, forever. *Her tears fall on his chest*
Rumple: Please... Don't cry... You're too young to suffer so much because of someone like... me.

Belle starts to cry as he closes his eyes.

Belle: Rumple? Rumple!

She caresses his face with her warm hands then she let her head fall on his chest.
Not long after, when Belle was still there, crying, Bae arrives as well and sees her, next to Rumple, on the floor.

Bae: No! *runs towards them* What happend?
Belle: I-I don't know... He just told me that Peter Pan did it.
Bae: Peter Pan? What the hell is he doing here?
Belle: I don't have idea... So you know him?
Bae: Let's say that our paths have crossed before... *closes his ear to Rumple's chest* Papa is still breathing. You know what we have to do.
Belle: Yes, we have to take him back to Storybrooke.
Bae: I never thought I'd say this, but we really need magic. It is the only chance for us to save him...

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