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-Not more than two hours later-

   It was already the middle of the night, and Belle was in the bedroom combing her hair in the mirror  at the dressing table when Rumple entered. He sat on the edge of the bed, next to his bedsidetable, looking at her.

Belle: *sights*  It's all my fault...
Rumple: No, that's not true.
Belle: It is. I pissed you off to bring him back... If I didn't do it, all this wouldn't have happened. I should've listened to you...
Rumple: It's okay...
Belle: No. No, it's not okay. Now someone else is hunting you. Because of me. I'm such a fool... I should've known that he's a bad person.
Rumple: You're not a fool, and you had no way of knowing. Besides, I can handle Gaston. He only has some anger and a bow.
Belle: *sights* I never thought it would end up like this. I never thought he would ever be so bloodthirsty...
Rumple: That's why you can't trust anyone. People are not what they seem, I told you before.
Belle: I...I just hoped it wouldn't be like that...
Rumple: I know... Come here...

Belle gets up and after a few steps suddenly stops. Her face showed that she was in pain, and then she put her hands on her stomach. Seeing that she almost falls off her own feet, Rumple hurries over and gently places her on the edge of the bed.

Rumple: Belle! What's wrong?
Belle: *gasping* I don't know. It's probably from the stress, but I'm fine.
Rumple: No, you're not fine! Something hurts you? Let me heal you!
Belle: No, I'm okay, really. It's nothing...
Rumple: It's not nothing, you're not okay.
Belle: Yes, I am.
Rumple: You're not.
Belle: I am.
Rumple: *intense eye contact* You annoy me when you play it strong with me, you know that. *she says nothing* Fine.  Let's sleep. Maybe tomorrow you'll feel better.

The next day, he entered the dining room where Belle was waiting for him on the chair, with the tea prepared.

Rumple: You feel any better?
Belle: Yeah, I told you is nothing.  *He sits*
Rumple: Actually, is not really nothing.
Belle: What do you mean?
Rumple: When I woke up... I thought about Bae. So I asked the crystal ball to see my child. Instead of seeing him... I saw you.
Belle: Me? How can it be possible?
Rumple: Belle... It happened.

   He points with his hands to her belly.  She looks down, then realizes what he wanted to say.

Belle: I-I'm pregnant? *he nods as she smiles happily*  We're gonna have a baby!

   They both smile, but with different smiles.  She seemed very happy but he seemed to be forcing himself.  She saw that, he being quite obvious.

Belle: What's wrong? You're not happy?
Rumple: I am. Of course I am. I just... didn't think I would have any more children.
Belle: You don't want it?
Rumple: I do. I really do! *hugs her*  The news overwhelms me, that's all.  Any ideas of a name for him?
Belle: Him?
Rumple: Yes, it's a him.
Belle: *excited* Well, I don't know...
Rumple: Good, cause I do... Gideon.  Like in your favourite book. So he will remember that he's a hero. Just like he's mother. What do you think?
Belle: *smiles* It's more than perfect.

After a month, Rumple pays Regina a visit. She was staying on the balcony looking out when he appeared in her room.

Rumple: I haven't seen you dressed like this in a long time, Madam Mayor.
Regina: *she flinches* Wow, The Dark One in flesh and bones is back... I can say the same about you... What brings you here?
Rumple: Fear.
Regina: What? Fear? You?
Rumple: Look, there's something I want to confess to you, and I haven't told anyone. Not even to Belle.
Regina: Is there something wrong? It seems to be something serious.
Rumple: It is...

After a long eye contact, he pulls his heart out of his chest, she seeing that it is black. This sends her shivers.

Regina: Oh, God, Rumple! It's all black!
Rumple: Only this spot remained red, barely noticeable. I won't live much longer. Maybe a couple of months... I'm dying.
Regina: Let me help you with something. We have to find a solution. There has to be a spell, a potion, something to fix this!
Rumple: *puts his heart back* I'm afraid there is nothing that can stop this. I knew this had to happen, but I was hoping to be with Belle longer...
Regina: Oh, Rumple... I'm so sorry that I held her captive for years... You could have been together longer if I hadn't stood in your way.
Rumple: You have no reason to apologize. All the things that happened in the past affected the present... And I love my present.
*she hugs him*
Regina: Why didn't you tell Belle about this?
Rumple: I don't want to worry her. And I want the last moments together to be happy.
Regina: *wipes her tear* Why did you tell me all this?
Rumple: You are the oldest friend I have... And... Now I know how I want you to pay your debt. Please, not only that we made a deal, but also out of kindness... Take care of Belle when I'm gone. Make sure she doesn't get any idea to do something crazy. Make sure she is safe. Please, do it.
Regina: *nods* I will. I promise.

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