Different Than Usual

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-The 5th mouth-

One night, Belle couldn't sleep again. So she got up from the "bed" and went to the room where The Dark One was sleeping.

Belle: Rumplestiltskin? Uh, are you sleeping?
Rumple: Yes, i am.
Belle: I can't sleep.
Rumple: And what do you want me to do? Don't make me regret that i'm not locking you in the dungeon anymore.
*silence again*
Belle: Sorry I disturbed you... Good night, Rumplestiltskin.

When she wanted to leave, he stopped her.

Rumple: Belle, wait. *silence* I suppose you can sleep here tonight. Only tonight.
Belle: *smiles* Thank you.
Rumple: But don't forget, don't disturb me in any way. Don't even put a finger on my side of the bed and don't snore. Got it?
Belle: Got it.

When she got into bed she felt like she was in heaven. She hadn't slept on a real bed in so long that she forgot how nice it felt. That was the first night Belle actually slept properly.
In the morning, she got up before him to prepare the tea. When they were drinking tea Rumplestiltskin gave her some very important news for her. From now on, he will let her go out in the castle yard whenever she wants. This, of course, made Belle very happy.
All day she cleaned the garden, swept the castle and read a little.
Then, night came again. Belle was in her dungeon and wanted to get ready for bed, but there was a knock on the door. The Dark One entered.

Rumple: Hello Belle, what are you doing?
Belle: I was getting ready to go to bed.
Rumple: Uh... *silence* Did you sleep well last night?
Belle: You're kidding? I haven't slept so well in months.
Rumple: Well... If you really want to... you can, sleep in my room, from now on.
Belle: Wait, really?
Rumple: Yeah, i mean...you have done many things for me. I have never seen this castle so clean in my entire life. This is my way of... thanking you.
Belle: Yes, i want. Wow, uh, i don't know what to say...
Rumple: A "thank you" will be enough.
Belle: *smiling* Thank you, thank you so much.

The Dark One didn't know why, but he really liked to see her that happy.

Rumple: So...What are you waiting for? go until I change my mind.

She smiles at him again and rushes to his room. Then he arrived to his room too.

Rumple: Don't forget: don't dis-
Belle: "...disturb me in any way." I know.

From now on Belle slept all nights in his bed. Slowly she could see that The Dark One had a good soul. Even if he doesn't want to show it.

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