Pandora's Box

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Bae: Belle, go!  I got this. *pulls a sword out of its sheath*
Belle: *whispering*  I'm not leaving without you!
Pan: Actually, no one leaves this place! *with magic he makes the sword disappear from his hand* You won't need this. It's very sharp, you could cut yourself.
Bae: Oh, so now you're doing the loving grandpa?
Pan: But I really am. It's all about the point of view.
Belle: Okay, stop!
Pan: Belle!  My beloved daughter-in-law!  And the only person who saw the man behind the beast in my son. Very nice...
Belle: You are right.  I see good in all people.  And I don't exclude you.  How do I wake up Rumple?  I know you love him and—
Pan: Why would you think I love him?
Belle: Back in New York, you had a chance to kill him, being in a world without magic.  But you didn't.  You found loophole.
Pan: Okay, you're smart...
Belle: So, will you help me?
Pan: Uhm... Nope.
Belle: Wh-What? But, I don't understand...
Pan: What you have to understand is that I choose power over love.  Doesn't sound familiar?  Believe it or not, Rumple and I have a few things in common. *He magically makes the box disappear from Belle's hand and appear in his hand*  Now if you'll excuse me, I have a world to conquer.
Regina: Not that fast. *He turns around and Regina punches him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground*  You got what you deserved, evil and pathetic child!  Come on, quickly, he will recover soon. *Belle takes the box back*
Bae: Wait, why don't you do something to him now?
Regina: Like killing him?  Wow, you are really starting acting like your father...  Well, as much as I like how you think, I've tried that before, but I can't do any harm to him.  He's... too powerful.  Now let's go...

They rushed out of the house, but Belle stopped to lock the door with the key.

Regina: You know, if you lock him up, you won't stop him for long.
Belle: I know, but at least he will lose a little more time...

Everyone came rushing towards the three of them.

Snow: Did you find the box?
Belle: Yes... *gives her the box*
Snow: Thank you, Belle.
Belle: In fact, I wouldn't have done anything without Regina and Baelfire.
Charming: Great, now what are we going to do?
Emma: I don't know, we should start looking for him...
Bae: Oh, actually, he's in the house.
Emma: Wait, right here?
Bae: Yeah...
Charming: Then let's go!
Belle: Here. *gives Bae her keys*  Take these.  I'm going to stay with Rumple.  I'm sorry I will not help you with this—
Snow: Hey, it's okay. You've helped us a lot.  Go and be with your true love...
*Belle smiled and left*

In the shop, Belle was sitting on a chair next to where Rumple was lying.

Belle: Hey... I just wanted to say thank you for the information you gave me...  Thanks to you, they will be able to defeat Pan. *silence*  I miss you so much... You know, when I was in your mind, I knew that I would see the saddest memories of your life.  But, I didn't expect that I would see myself there too.  I mean, I know you love me and it hurt when you kicked me out. I knew it was a difficult time for you, just like it was for me, but I didn't think it ranked as one of the most painful moments of your life...  Especially since it is also one of mine...

She sighs and looks at the table.  A petal had just fallen from the magic rose.  She looked back at him.

Belle: I will save you, I promise.  I will do anything to bring you back.  Anything...

Since then, for a few days, Belle never let him out of her sight, so Bae constantly came to bring her food from Granny. She worked in the shop, cleaned and read to him. Many times she cried next to him, other times she confessed to him what was on her heart. Every day more petals fell and Belle began to lose hope. She looked in all the books for a way to bring him back, but in vain. One day, Regina entered the shop.

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