The Dagger

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When night came they both went to the bedroom, Belle lay down in bed and Rumple covered her with a soft blanket.

Belle: Wow, I forgot how nice it is to sleep in a real bed.
Rumple: I believe you. *He got into bed next to her*

They said good night and fell asleep. Early in the morning Rumple woke up, got dressed and went to Regina's castle.

 Early in the morning Rumple woke up, got dressed and went to Regina's castle

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Rumple: You got my message?
Regina: Oh, The Dark One. Yes actually. Looks like you got what you wanted.
Rumple: Indeed.
Regina: So what are you waiting for? Don't you take revenge on me?
Rumple: Uh, no.
Regina: No?
Rumple: I wanted to kill you but I need you to cast the curse. So for now you are safe.
Regina: I still don't understand why you want the curse to come? No one will know who he is. I am the only exception.
Rumple: I know. My reason is none of your business. I'm leaving, someone is waiting for me.
Regina: *laughts* That "someone" will no longer wait for you when she realizes how you really are.
Rumple: Do you really think so?
Regina: Oh, let's be honest, she is a good person unlike you.
Rumple: *giggles* Well, we'll see who is right, dearie... *he teleports away*

Meanwhile Belle had woken up. She noticed Rumple wasn't there so she got out of bed and looked for him in the castle. She saw that some things were changed from how they looked before. Seeing that he was not in the castle, she went to prepare the tea. When she was waiting for the water to boil, she felt someone take her hand.

Rumple: Good morning! What are you doing?
Belle: *she turns to face him* Ah, Rumple. You scared me.
Rumple: I'm sorry. *they kissed*
Belle: Well I was making the tea.

While they were sitting at the table and drinking tea, Belle was thinking why he changed the set of cups and where is their chipped cup.

After a few hours, Belle was dusting a room with many paintings. She noticed that one of them was a little bit in the air so when she went to it she noticed that behind it there was a small hole with some things. The thing that attracted her the most was a dagger with the name "Rumplestiltskin" written on it. Belle was very curious why Rumple had a dagger with his name written on it so she took it. She went into the room where Rumple was, with the dagger in the back. He was sitting in an armchair.

Belle: Rumple? *He turned his head to her* So... While I was cleaning I found something... I know I shouldn't have taken it without asking you, but I'm curious. *She took out the dagger from her back and showed it to him*
Rumple: *shocked* Where did you get that?!
Belle: I was cleaning and I noticed that a painting—
Rumple: *Gets up and rushes towards her* Give it to me!
Belle: Wait!

And Rumple stops as if he doesn't want to do this but is forced to. When Belle noticed this, she became confused.

Rumple: Give it to me! NOW!
*Belle gives him the dagger, frightened by his nerves.*
Rumple: Why did you get it? Did you have my permission?
Belle: *still scared* Uh, no, I-I'm so sorry...

Rumple, calm, sits back in the armchair with his head in his hand.

Rumple: No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. You don't know...

Belle goes and gently sits on her knees next to his armchair, on the floor. She puts her hand on his hand, no longer afraid.

Belle: What I don't know?
*Long silence. He wonders if he should tell her the truth*
Rumple: Okay, look, what I'm going to tell you now is a secret. You have to promise not to tell anyone.
Belle: I promise.
Rumple: If you kill The Dark One with his dagger then you become the next Dark One. If someone holds the dagger in his hand, he can command The Dark One to do something, and he will do it.
Belle: So that's why when I told you to stop you actually did... Oh Rumple I'm so sorry—
Rumple: No, I am. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You had no way of knowing.
*She smiles*

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