Protect Her At All Costs

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They finally arrived at the castle.

Belle: I'm going to get ready for bed.
Rumple: Okay. (When she left the room, Rumplestiltskin teleported to Cruella, Ursula and Maleficent.)
Cruella: Uh, Dark One. What are you doing here?
Rumple: I came to take what's mine. (Rumple magically makes the glove disappear from Maleficent's hand and makes it appear in his hand.)
Maleficent: You can't do that!
Rumple: Actually, i can. You didn't say anything about any agreement. We simply made an exchange.
Ursula: We can help each other. So that we always win, not the heroes.
Rumple: Uh, you see... I always win. And i win alone. Honestly, it was a pleasure to see you again. Now if you'll excuse me...
*He teleports back to the castle.*

Looking for a place to hide the glove, he heard some voices. He goes to the library door and listens to the conversation.

Belle: ... and then we came back home.
Mirror: Oh Belle, i'm glad that you're fine. It's impressive what Rumple has done.
Belle: Yeah, i know. What makes me happy is that Rumplestiltskin gave up an important thing of his to save me. I knew that there is a man behind the beast.

Rumple, who heard the conversation, looked down at the glove in his hands sadly.

When they were both in the bedroom, he got into bed and she was looking out the window.

Rumple: Belle, what are you doing?
Belle: I was just... thinking...
Rumple: *He gets up from the bed and goes towards her.* Don't think about what happened. They won't do you any harm to you from now on.
Belle: If they come back?
Rumple: I put a spell on the castle and the yard. No one will be able to enter. Only me and you.
Belle: Thank you Rumple, for everything you do for me. *Then she, who was still looking out the window, began to tremble.*
Rumple: Hey, Belle, you're okay?
Belle: Yes, i'm just a little cold.

Rumple made a blanket appear in his hands, which he placed on her back. Here we can see that he is pretty overprotective.

Rumple: Here, better now?
Belle: *looking at him and smiles* Yes.

They looked at each other for a long time and then went to sleep.

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