The Escape

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-Almost 2 years since Belle is locked-

Rumplestiltskin started looking for Belle again. Meanwhile, she was still in the dungeon.

One day, the Queen entered and right in front of her she imprisoned a woman.

Regina: Oh, Belle. I forgot you were here.
Belle: I won't be much longer.
Regina: Oh, really?
Belle: Yes, because he will find me. He will come and take me from here!
Regina: *laughts* I didn't know you were so funny. Didn't you know that he already forgot you? He thinks you're dead, darling, so he got another maid.
Belle: You're lying! I know him, he wouldn't do that.
Regina: Are you sure that you really know him?
Belle: More than sure.
Regina: We'll see about that... *she teleports away*
Belle: Hi. Who are you?
Red: My name is Red.
Belle: I'm—
Red: Belle. I heard. So... How long have you been locked up here?
Belle: Uh, almost 2 years.
Red: Two years??!! It's terrible!
Belle: I know...

Then they became friends and talked about their lives.

Red: Oh, by the way, who's that man you were talking about with Regina?
Belle: He is... the person i love.
Red: *smiles* What's his name?
Belle: Oh, well... If I tell you, you will probably know him...
Red: Really? Tell me.
Belle: Well...Uh... Rumplestiltskin...
Belle: It sounds worse when you say it—
Red: But—But how?
Belle: I made an agreement a long time ago with him to be his servant for the rest of my life and he saved my family from the ogres. At first he was quite bad, but we got used to each other. Then we fell in love.
Red: How do you know that he loves you back?
Belle: Well, we had true love's kiss. This almost broke his curse.
Red: Almost?
Belle: Because he didn't want to give up his magic, he got very angry. Then he let me go.
You know, standing here for so long all I did was think. I thought only of him...
Red: I'm so sorry...

Then Belle told her all the good times with him.

After one day, Red and Belle were trying to find a way to get out. Then some steps were heard. A knight appears.

Red: I'm really curious why the Queen sent you here.
Mulan: She didn't send me. *Then she took off her helmet and to their surprise it was a woman.*
Red: Mulan?
Mulan: *She took the keys out of her pocket* We have to hurry, we don't have much time.
Belle: You two know each other?
Red: Yes. We are friends. Oh Mulan, I'm so happy to see you.
Mulan: Me too. I was so worried about you.
*Mulan frees them both.*
Belle: Oh, thank you so much.

They all carefully left the castle and took it through the forest.

Belle: So, I guess that's where we say goodbye. Thank you again, Mulan. Without you I would have rotted in that dungeon.
Mulan: No problem. I'm glad I could help you. Good bye!
Red: Bye Belle! I hope we both meet again.
Belle: Me too! Byee!

Mulan and Red continued to walk together and Belle took another path. Walking through the forest, she came across a well where she drank some water.

Grumpy: Belle?
Belle: Grumpy! How are you?
Grumpy: Very good. Because of you. Because of you I am with my love.
Belle: Really? I'm so happy for you!
Grumpy: You know, you gave me very good advice. I thought about it a lot and I realized that you love someone too. Am I right?
Belle: Well, yeah... In fact, I was heading towards him. We argued but I'm very sorry.
Grumpy: Good luck then!
Belle: Thank you. *smiles and starts walking again*

She walked for a few hours through the forest but realized that she got lost. Because it was night she decided to find a place to sleep. She found a small cave and fell asleep there. Of course, she was very hungry, but she had nothing to eat.

Meanwhile, Rumple enters a cabin. When he stepped inside, everyone stopped talking and looked at him scared.

Rumple: Oh, stay calm, I won't hurt you. I'm actually looking for someone. I want to know if anyone has seen a woman named Belle. She has blue eyes and dark hair. I will reward whoever gives me information about her.
Grumpy, who was sitting at a table got up and went to Rumple.

Grumpy: I think I know...
*They both went to a table and started talking.*
Rumple: Tell me everything.
Grumpy: I met a girl named Belle.
Rumple: So she's alive...
Grumpy: Two years ago she helped me to be with the person I love-
Rumple: Yes, yes, wonderful. Anything else?
Grumpy: We met again today. She was in the nearby forest.
Rumple: But, this forest is very big. It's very hard to get out of it if you don't know it.
Grumpy: You're right... She told me she was going to the person she loves...
Rumple: *smiles* She said that?
Grumpy: Yes, and— *silence* Wait a minute! You are—
Rumple: Yeah, that's me. Anything else?
Grumpy: *silence* She told me that you had a fight and that she was sorry... That's it.
Rumple: Thank you. That means a lot.
*Then he took out a bag of money from his pocket and put it on the table.*
Grumpy: No, there is no need. Seriously. I'm glad I could help her too.
Rumple: *He gets up* Take it, I have enough. Thank you for everything!

He gets out of there and enters the forest...

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