The Vision

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After a few days Rumple found a doll made of straw. That brought back memories. Bad memories. That doll was given to him by his father when he was very young. That reminded him of who he had to defeat there. Peter Pan, who was actually his father. He abandoned him to be a child again and live forever on that island.
Rumple was sitting on a log with the doll in his hands and thinking, until he heard a noise. He got up, went to a bush and when he turned his back, a person with a hood took his doll and ran away.

Rumple: That doesn't belong to you, dearie!

He started to run after him. When he caught him, Rumple took off his hood. He was speechless. It was Belle.

Rumple: Belle! Wh-What are you doing here?
Belle: I came to help you... *looks at him smiling* I missed you so much...
*She approached him slowly and when she was about to kiss him, he moved away.*
Rumple: No, you're not real.
Belle: Of course I'm not. I'm still in the castle, where you left me.
Rumple: *He grabs her neck* How do I know that Pan didn't make a vision of you?
Belle: He didn't. You did... The question is, why?
Rumple: *long silence* I think I don't know what to do... I wear a mask for so long. I don't know who I am anymore.
Belle: You just have to listen to your heart... *then she left*

After a few days, she appeard again.

Belle: What are you doing?
Rumple: Thinking...
Belle: Stop thinking. Come back home. Come back to me.
Rumple: I had a deal... I can't go back.
Belle: Of course you can. *Puts her hand in his lap* Take my hand if you believe in our love...

As he was about to take her hand, Belle stood up. Regina came out of a bush and strangled her.

Regina: I'll show you who you're dealing with!
Rumple: Regina, stop!
Regina: Are you really going to fall for this?!

When she strangled her completely, Belle disappeared and a shadow appeared in her place. A shadow of Pan.

Rumple: Pan...
Regina: Seriously?! Where are we here? At the amateur hour?! Did you really believe that was Belle?
Rumple: Why are you here?
Regina: Well for starters it appears I'm saving your ass. You are about to be Pan's lunch!
Rumple: And what do you care?!
Regina: Well, I care because I stayed with the others for a week and I didn't get anywhere. I need The Dark One to defeat him!

A few days ago, Rumple finally met Pan.

Peter Pan: Well, well

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Peter Pan: Well, well... The Dark One himself!
Rumple: Hello, papa!
Peter Pan: Honestly, I'm proud of how you've became. You're finally starting to be like me.
Rumple: I will never be like you! You are a coward and you will always be like this!
Peter Pan: Exactly. We are the same. Even if you don't want to admit it.
Rumple: Well... I can change, but you can't. Oh, and by the way, the vision thing didn't work.
Peter Pan: *laughts* Do you really believe what Belle says? I know you better than you think. Oh, and "the vision thing" could have worked if Regina had not interfered. If it wasn't her, you would have become my prey. *laughs* I'm really surprised that you were so blind as to believe me. You honestly disappointed me. This love for Belle will not last. Because of you, of course. She will finally see your true face. If I were you, I would let her go. I mean, that's how you're going to spare her the pain she's going to have. I'm telling you, she is not your happy ending. But... I can be. Leave everyone and come with me. We can rule the world together. Come with your father...
*a very long silence*
Rumple: Never!

It had been a month since Rumple had been in Neverland. They defeated Pan and now they were ready to go home. He sent a letter to Belle to expect him to arrive in two days at approximately 8 o'clock. After two days, Belle went outside at 8 and did exactly as she was told. An hour had passed and he hadn't come. She still waited for him. She waited for him for hours, but at midnight she was very sleepy. She went to bed and thought that tomorrow morning he will already arrive. Two hours after she fell asleep Rumple had arrived home. He started calling her through the castle but when he opened the bedroom's door he saw that she was sleeping. He also quietly got ready to sleep and when he got into bed, Belle opened her eyes slowly.

Belle: Rumple!
Rumple: Sorry I'm late.
Belle: *hugs him and smiles* Oh, Rumple,
I missed you so much! I really wanted to stay awake but I fell asleep. Uh, I thought about you every day and couldn't wait for you to come back. How was it in Neverland?
Rumple: It was well. I achieved what I set out to do.
Belle: Then I'm glad. *smiles*
Rumple: Belle, I have something to talk to you about.
Belle: Hey, what's wrong? Why are you so serious?
Rumple: It is important... I think we should give up the deal. To live at your father's castle again.
Belle: Wh-What? Who put all this in your head? I don't wanna go.
Rumple: This relationship is complicated and you know that... I don't want you to suffer...
Belle: No! I don't want this to end. Not now. Not ever. I understand what you're saying, but I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you!
*He smiles at her so she smiles at him too*

Belle lays down on the bed again and Rumple wraps his arms around her. He gently takes her hair and kisses her neck.

Rumple: *whispers* I love you!

And then they both fall asleep like that...

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