Going Home

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-After one month, in the present-

   There was peace and quiet in the town.  Cora had no way to bother them anymore and Hook left them alone, seeming to give up revenge for love.  After a long time when he thought he would never be able to love anyone, after Milah, but he fell in love with Emma, ​​Snow White's daughter.  He would do anything to be with her, but she still didn't know what to do.  As for Rumple and Belle, they have progressed when it comes to their relationship, with no more lies.  They lived happily and one beautiful morning, Belle woke up.  He noticed that there was a tea prepared on the bedside table.  Rumple entered the room.

Rumple: Good morning, Belle.  I have a surprise for you. *sits next to her, on the edge of the bed*
Belle: Hm... I'm afraid of your surprises.  Is it good or bad?
Rumple: Well, in general, surprises are good, now, it depends on your point of view... We're going back home.
Belle: *shocked* You mean... You mean in Enchanted Forest?
Rumple: *smiles* Yes.
Belle: *smiles too* That's wonderful!  I missed that place so much.  When will this happen?
Rumple: Tomorrow morning. We will all gather at the clock tower and enter a portal.  That will take us home.

   She was extremely excited. She couldn't stop smiling and then hugged him warmly.
   All day Belle walked around town for the last time, to say goodbye, while Rumple and Regina worked on the portal.  At sunset, she came to the clock tower to pick up Rumple and walk home together, she holding something in her hands behind her back.

Belle: It's done?
Rumple: Yes. Tomorrow morning will open. *looked suspiciously at her hands*  What are you holding there?
Belle: I bought you something. *shows him a camera* Look.  You can take pictures with this thing.  The man at the store showed me how to use it, and after you take the picture it comes out like magic, and we can make memories that we will never forget.
Rumple: Oh, Belle, you shouldn't have done that. *smiles and takes it* So, how do I use it? Something like, this... *takes a picture with Belle*
Belle: Hey! I wasn't ready.
Rumple: It doesn't matter, you are beautiful.  This is the charm, to capture the image in the most unexpected and natural poses, so that in time I remember how perfect you are without even having warned you that I will take the picture.

   She smiles at him then they kiss.

Belle: Have I ever told you how much I love you?
Rumple: Hm, I don't remember, but you could do it again just to be sure.
Belle: *giggles* Well, I do. I really do. To be with you it's all I want. You are my first morning thought, the last evening sight, and every goddamn thing in the between.
Rumple: And you're mine. You are the love that came into my life without warning. You had my heart before I could say no.
Regina: How poetic... *they startled* I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt this wonderful moment, but I honestly couldn't help myself.
Belle: It's okay, Regina. We were just heading at our house... Are you ready?
Regina: For tomorrow? I don't know what to say, I mean, we are all changed. I cast the curse to take revenge on Snow White, and now we have become friends, and I have become the best version of myself. So are you, Rumple. It will take some time for Emma to adjust, as well as my son, but they will manage, like always.
Rumple: Yeah...
Regina: Well, good night to you both!
Rumple&Belle: Good night!

As she leaves, they walk slowly towards the house.

Belle: Look. *takes out some pictures from her pocket* I took some pictures at the most beautiful places in this town, because I will miss it a lot. See, This is at Granny's, here is the clock tower, our house, your shop, the fountain in the forest where we got married and other places.
Rumple: You had a good idea of doing this...
Belle: Rumple?
Rumple: Mh?
Belle: When we leave... this place will disappear?
Rumple: *sighs* Oh, sweetheart... Honestly, I have no idea. I heard that some people want to plant magic beans so they can easily go to other worlds and see if this has disappeared. I guess we'll see then.
Belle: Yeah...

In the morning, when the sun rose, everyone had gathered in the specific place. Regina and Rumple were in front of everyone and were opening the portal.

Regina: Gold... Have you seen Zelena?
Rumple: No, I haven't.
Regina: No one told her that we are leaving now and despite everything she did, she is still my sister, I don't want to leave her here.
Rumple: And you won't. I'm sure she knows we're leaving and she'll come later...
Regina: Why are you so sure?
Rumple: I know her. Remember that I taught her magic too? When I told her that I choose you to cast the curse, she became jealous and betrayed me once. It wasn't a big deal, but I had a past with her and I know that nothing escapes her eyes, that's what you two have in common.
Regina: Hm, I guess so...
Charming: You're done?
Snow: It looks... dangerous.
Rumple: It is dangerous, that's why it's fun.
Regina: We don't have much longer. Tell them to get ready.
Rumple: Yeah, emotional. *Regina looks at him with a sarcastic smile at his sarcastic answer*
*David coughs to get everyone's attention*
Snow: So, these will be the last moments in this town. We have no idea what will be chosen for him, but we can remain hopeful that one day we will be able to visit this place again, where we made beautiful memories and where we all evolved. We came here as different people, with different memories, but our soul was always the same. We have all changed, that's for sure. We grew up together, we grew when it comes to friendship... and love. Let's say goodbye to this place, and let's hope it won't be forever... *sobs* Thank you!

Everyone cheered as the bright golden yellow portal opened. They all took their hearts in their teeth with tears in their eyes. Belle comes and takes Rumple's hand.

Charming: Let's do it. Let's go home.

He holds his hand with Snow's and they both step into the portal. After that, Hook comes to Emma.

Hook: Goodbye love. Maybe you don't admit it yet, but I know that one day I will win your heart. And when that day comes, I will be on my ship, waiting to sail together. You know where to find me, just look for the Jolly Roger.
*goes through the portal*

Bae: *approaches Rumple* Papa...
Rumple: Yes, Bae?
Bae: I will want to find my own way in life and a house to stay in, because I am no longer a child. I hope you understand.
Rumple: *puts his hand on his shoulder, with a smile* I understand. When you remember, I'll be in The Dark Castle with Belle.

Bae smiles and also leaves through the portal, after Emma. Rumple and Belle look at each other then they also go through it.

Granny: Uh... I'll miss my restaurant.
Red: Let's do one there too. What do you say?
Granny: It's a great idea.

And one by one, everyone passed through the portal, arriving exactly where they left. Belle and Rumple were in the castle again, she wearing the yellow dress she had on before leaving. He, too, was again as he looked before. His curly hair, rockstar clothes and lizard skin. When they looked at each other, she had shivers down her spine, having a nostalgic feeling. Although she hasn't seen him like this for a long time, she wasn't scared. They stared at each other in amazement. He looked at his hands, seeing the change.

Rumple: I'm sorry, Belle. I don't know how to stop this, I wasn't sure that it will come again...
Belle: Hey, it's okay. *holds his head* You are perfect. I will definitely miss not wearing a corset. *he giggles* And I missed that giggle you make. *he smiles*

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