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  Two years have passed since that dream. She still couldn't forget it, even though she wanted to. Anyway, that's not the biggest problem right now. The ogres have been attacking the village for a month and it's getting worse every day. Because the palace guards cannot cope, Belle's father, Maurice, spoke to the king of the nearest village so that their children could marry. In this way they will unite their armies and win against the ogres. Of course Belle couldn't accept the fact that she has to marry the most narcissistic man, Gaston. There was nothing she could do anyway. She had to defend her village, her family and her own skin. So one day, they met to get to know each other better.  

Belle: Hi, I'm Belle, but I suppose you know that.   
Then he kissed her hand and they started talking.  

  Gaston: Hi, I'm really happy to know you. Yes, I know your name and I think that you know mine aswell.  

  Belle: Yes... Um... I know it's quite rude to ask you this, but do you agree that you have to get married out of obligation? I mean, we don't even know each other...  

  Gaston: I understand what you're saying. But anyway, we will have time to get to know each other better after marriage. Don't worry, I'm everything a woman wants. I'm charming, smart and I can fight monsters. Like ogres.  

  Belle: Yeah, right...  
Everything was clear. Gaston was very arrogant and Belle disliked him even more. Anyway, he really liked her. But let's not talk about what she feels about him.   

  Gaston: So, you're a beautiful woman and you are good for me. That's why I have to ask you... Belle French, will you accept being my queen?
  With tears in her eyes and without hope, Belle accepted.  
  After a week, everything was even worse. Tomorrow will be the wedding and besides that the ogres were close to the castle. Maurice had to do something immediately. Those monsters were unstoppable. Then, Belle got an idea and immediately went to her father.   

  Belle: Look, I know it's dangerous but there's nothing we can do... We have to call The Dark One.  


  Belle: I.. I found him in a book. Anyway he is the single person who can save us.   

  Maurice: I suppose you are right...

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