Deep Under The Rose Petals

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-In the Dark Castle, in the library-

Belle was dusting the books off the shelves when Rumple entered the room.

Rumple: Belle? What are you doing?
Belle: I'm starting to clean this place again. Now it's full of dust because of the time we were gone.
Rumple: I see. Well, as I said once, we can hire someone to do this. You are no longer obliged to do it yourself.
Belle: Oh, no. I'm good. I clear my mind when I do this and forget about all the problems, so it's okay.
Rumple: If that's what you wish... Anyway, I wanted to tell you something.
Belle: What?
Rumple: Do you remember Gaston?
Belle: Of course I do. Wait, you had to get an ingredient from a world without magic, right?
Rumple: Yeah.
Belle: And... you got it?
Rumple: Yeah... I did.
Belle: Rumple... What is it?
Rumple: Are you sure you want me to do this?
Belle: Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?
Rumple: A lot has changed. The last time we saw each other he wanted to kill me to get you back, and now we're married. How do you think he will react?
Belle: Well, I don't know. And to be honest I don't give a damn about what he thinks. Still, he deserves to live.
Rumple: Fine... Now?
Belle: Uh, no. I would like my father to be here too. You know, he was quite upset with you when he heard Gaston disappeared on the way here. I think that would be the best.
Rumple: Alright then.

And a few hours after she sent him to them, he came with Ann. Belle was so happy when she saw her, that she didn't want to let go of her arms. They all gathered at the library, and Belle placed the petals pressed between some pages of a book on the floor. She went to Ann and she took her hand. Rumple bent down and poured a liquid from a jar over the petals. He stood up and held out his hands, magic coming out of them. As he did this, the petals floated in the air and slowly turned into the perfect red rose that was before, a long time ago. Rumple didn't stop, but continued to cast magic towards it. It seemed to be getting harder and harder to do this, but he continued anyway.

Rumple: Go further!

After he shouted at them, they all took steps back. He was struggling there, until after a long time a strong light came out of the rose and knocked the Dark One to the floor. Belle, worried, ran up and threw herself at him.

Belle: Rumple! Are you okay?
Rumple: Yes, I'm fine.

But when they looked at the rose, it was gone and the light had disappeared. Instead, a tall man was sitting with his back to them. He looked confused until he turned around and saw everyone there. It was Gaston in the flesh. They both stood up as Rumple took a few steps back.

Belle: Gaston! It's really you! *slowly walks towards him*
Gaston: Belle? Oh, mon amour!

They hug, then he suddenly approaches her face and wants to kiss her, but she backs away.
Rumple saw this and his jealousy grew in him, but he said nothing. He knew that if he had reacted, nothing good would've happened to Gaston.

Gaston: Where are we? And what the hell happend?
Belle: It's... It's actually a long story...
Gaston: Maurice! *sees Rumple* You! This is your castle isn't it? You ruined everything!
Belle: Gaston, let me explain you...
Gaston: You caused this! I was in the underworld because of you! I'm gonna kill you, beast!
Belle: Hey, he's not a beast!
Gaston: Why are you defending Rumplestiltskin?! He kidnapped you, he made you a servant, you should want him dead too!
Belle: Well, I don't!
Gaston: Why not?
Belle: *approaches him* He's my husband...
Gaston: *shocked* Oh, old Belle. You always had a soft spot for a monster.
Belle: He's not a monster, Gaston, you are!
Gaston: *nervously takes a bow and arrow from behind and points it towards him*
I intend to finish what I started some time ago. Do you have something to say, Dark One?
Rumple: I have some things... *magically disappears and appears behind him, then pats him on the shoulder and Gaston turns around*
Gaston: Not even magic will save you.
Rumple: I remember that the last time I got rid of you just by snapping my fingers. Are you really willing to risk it?
Gaston: I'm willing to risk everything just to get my revenge on you!
Belle: *gets in front of the arch* Stop it, now!
Rumple: Belle, get out of here!
Gaston: Yes, Belle. Listen to your master.
Belle: Don't you see where you've ended up?
Maurice: Belle is right, stop this!
Gaston: No one and nothing will ever stop me, now get out of here!
Rumple: Belle, go. I got this.

And when Belle stepped aside, Gaston shot him with the arrow right in his chest. Maurice and Ann were worried, while Belle was not.

Maurice: Gaston! What have you done?!?
Gaston: What I had to do a long time ago.
Rumple: *giggles and pulls the arrow from his chest* I'm sorry, did my chest hurt your arrow?
Gaston: What kind of devil you are?!?
Rumple: One you can't mess with.
Gaston: I can not believe. First of all, Maurice is breaking our deal, second, I can't hurt my enemy!
Rumple: What a great fate you have...
Belle: Wait, what? What deal? Father?
Maurice: Is nothing, really. It doesn't matter anymore.
Belle: What it doesn't matter anymore?
Gaston: I think it does. You can't break a deal like that!
Belle: Can somebody tell me what are you talking about?!
Maurice: *sights* We didn't want to make you an arranged marriage so that their army would also fight the ogres. I knew from the beginning that they had no chance...
Belle: Then why did you want it?
Gaston: My father wanted to marry me to someone while he wanted money.
Belle: Money?!?? You traded me for money?!
Maurice: I'm sorry, Belle. I know I shouldn't and if I could go back in time I would change this.
Gaston: Well, you can't. And the deal still exists.
Belle: No, is not. Besides the fact that I'm already married, you can't make an agreement about me if I don't agree. Now, I want you to go. All of you.
Maurice: Belle...
Belle: Just go, please.

He accepts her decision and goes down the stairs, followed by Ann who hugs her and leaves.

Gaston: Now you know how cruel life is.
Rumple: Leave or I'll make you leave like the last time. This time, however, I will put you even deeper underground, so that you will not pass through the world of dead, but directly into hell.
Gaston: It's not over yet. I'm gonna kill you!
Rumple: I want to see how you get back into the castle...

With a gentle movement of his hand, he teleports him out. He sees Belle who seems to be lost so he approaches her and hugged her, kissing her forehead.

Rumple: I'm here. I'm with you. It's gonna be alright, I promise...

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