Coming Back

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- 7 months and a half -

Belle liked living with The Dark One even more. They got used to each other and started to know each other much better. The garden already looks very good. The castle was clean and bright. One day, at lunch, Rumple and Belle were eating...

Belle: You know, I ran out of food. We have to go get more.
Rumple: Ok, after lunch you'll go get some.
Belle: *Belle nearly choked on her food at these words.* (That's because when they go to the market, they go together) How do you mean "i'll go"?
Rumple: Uh, i'm kinda busy. So you will go alone, if you don't mind...
(She remained silent but very surprised.)

After lunch, Belle put on her cloak but saw that the fastener was missing. Then Rumple hurried into the room where she was.

Rumple: Oh, there you are. And so near the front door, planning on leaving me?
Belle: Don't worry. You know i wouldn't do that, Rumplestiltskin.
Rumple: No, certainly not. At least not while wearing this.* He goes behind her and puts the fastener on her.* Don't forget, this fastener is enchanted. I can see anywhere you are. And if you wander off, I'll know. This spell does not last very long, so you must return within two hours at most.
Belle: Don't be so dramatic. I'm just going on the market down the road. Unless you start spinning straw into meals, i still need food to cook with... I made a promise to stay with you forever. And i hope that someday you'll realize that i'm a woman of my word.
Rumple: Yes, yes, we'll see about that.
* Then he gently puts the hood on her head* Now don't catch cold out there. The forest path is quite damp. We wouldn't want an illness interfering with your daily chores. Would we?
Belle: *Belle walks out of the castle.* Definitely not. We both know this place would fall into disreapair without me.

Rumple gives her a bag with money and a basket. She leaves. After a few seconds Rumple yells at her...

Rumple: And don't forget to come in maximum two hours.
Belle: I will.

Rumple watched her go. He wasn't sure if she would come back, but he could find her anyway. After exactly an hour, Belle returned. She left the basket on the table, took off her cloak and went to search Rumplestiltskin. She found him in the library, making potions.

Rumple: Oh, you're back already?
Belle: I told you not to worry.

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