The Truth

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Two days later, Rumple and Lacey were walking outside. Regina comes to them.

Rumple: Regina.
Regina: Hi. I see you are together again... I'm happy for you two. Lacey, can I have a little talk with Mr. Gold alone?
*He gives her the keys and smiles*
Lacey: Uh, okay... *she left*
Rumple: So... What is it?
Regina: *She gives him a small jar with a liquid in it*
Rumple: Is this—
Regina: The potion that will wake her up, yes.
I guess true love's kiss didn't work.
Rumple: Because what I have with her is not true love.  But with Belle, yes... Thank you very much. Oh, and... I'm sorry that I thought you gave her the fake memories.
Regina: You don't need to apologize to me. In your place, I would also have thought that I did it. I mean, it's clearly my style. *giggles* Oh and there's one more thing. Although she will wake up and be the old Belle again, she will not remember what she did when she was Lacey.
Rumple: It's perfect then...

After one week, Rumple hadn't given Lacey the potion yet. And it is not known why... One evening, he was thinking what to do. He still missed Belle very much. Suddenly, Lacey appears...

Lacey: Hey, what's wrong?
*Rumple looks at her and tries to change his mood*
Rumple: Nothing. I'm fine.
Lacey: You don't look fine... *approaches him*
Rumple: You know what? A drink will cheer me up...

He takes out a bag and when he opens it, what was in it falls on the table. There were some pieces from a cup. With magic, he fixes that thing. She sees the chipped cup.

Lacey: That cup again... What is it?
Rumple: It's something from my past... From our past...

He takes the potion jar and pours the liquid into his glass and into her cup. She drinks what's inside, while Rumple looks at her... She also looks at him. Both have tears in their eyes.

Rumple: Belle.
Belle: Rumple... *They kiss* Wh-What happend to me?
Rumple: Hook shot you and you crossed the town line. You lost your memories and The Wicked Witch gave you some fake ones. But now everything is fine. You're with me...
Belle: I-I don't remember anything.
Rumple: You have nothing to worry about. Really. *She smiles and they hug*

One day later, Belle was walking alone on the street. Suddenly, Zelena approaches her.

Zelena: Belle! Or rather Lacey. I don't even know how to call you...
Belle: What? Who-Who's Lacey?
Zelena: You don't know? Huh, I guess Rumple didn't tell you anything... Anyway, he and I met yesterday. But I suppose he told you that...
Belle: No... He didn't...
Zelena: *laughts* It's getting really funny. I have the potion that can give you back your memories. The fake ones. I offered him the potion for free but he didn't accept. I wonder why...
Belle: And why should I trust you? After everything you've done.
Zelena: You shouldn't. But I still want to help you. To help you find the truth, of course.
Belle: What truth?
Zelena: If you want to know, drink this. *She shows her the jar*

She, hesitating, takes it. When she got to the shop Rumple was already there.

Rumple: Belle! How are you?
Belle: I-I'm confused... While I was walking, Zelena came to me—
Rumple: That witch again!
Belle: Uh, yeah... Well, she told me that you two talked yesterday. And... she gave me this.
Rumple: Don't drink it!
Belle: Why?
Rumple: Well, who knows what's actually there...
Belle: It's worth trying. I'm sorry Rumple... *She drinks the entire potion*
Rumple: *runs towards her* NO! *silence* Belle? Are you okay?
Belle: Uh, yeah, I think so... *Then all the memories of when she was Lacey appear in her mind* I-I remember everything... *silence* How could you do that?!
Rumple: Belle, I can explain!
Belle: "Belle is the past" How do you explain that?!
Rumple: It-It was a lie—
Rumple: I'm so sorry Belle. I was wrong about everything.
Belle: You-You did so many things... For how long have you been able to make me back and you didn't?
Rumple: What are you talking about?
Belle: Tell me the truth!
Rumple: *gasp* A week...
Belle: And why didn't you transform me earlier?
Rumple: BECAUSE I NEEDED HER! I needed someone to accept me as who I am!
Belle: *with tears in her eyes* You know I do all this for you... *Sigh* I tried to be everything for you Rumple... But I wasn't. And, I lost my way trying to help you...
Rumple: Belle... You are everything for me. That's why I woke you up...
Belle: I honestly don't understand why you did it...
Rumple: Because what I had with Lacey wasn't real. It wasn't true love.
Belle: You told me that you needed someone to accept you as who you are. It means you lied to me a long time ago...
Rumple: No, uh, I-I changed before, I can do it again!
Belle: You've never changed... However, I never wanted you to change. I just wanted you to try... *almost crying*
Rumple: Belle, I'm so sorry—
Belle: Are you? Then you didn't seem to be sorry—
Rumple: Cause I wasn't!

Belle, crying, goes to the door, wanting to open it.

Rumple: Belle, I'm sorry. Please... Don't do this. You can't!
Belle: And why?
Rumple: Because we had a deal. To live with me forever...
Belle: Well, I guess I'm no longer a woman of my word... *opens the door*
Rumple: Please! You can't...
Belle: Yeah? Watch me! *she exits*

Belle: Yeah? Watch me! *she exits*

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