Not What It seams

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-In the present, in David, Emma and Snow's apartament-

   Snow was sitting on the edge of the bed in her apartment and Rumple was on a chair in front of her.  Upstairs were the others plus Belle.  It was very quiet there, as if no one was there.

Snow: When do you think Cora will come?
Rumple: As far as I know her and her family, probably when we least expect it. 
Snow: *silence* Gold?
Rumple: Mh?
Snow: How do you do it?
Rumple: Do what?
Snow: Live with yourself? Knowing all the bad things you've done.
Rumple: *gasp* Well, you tell yourself you did the right thing. And if you say it often enough, one day you might actually believe it. But why would you ask me that?
Snow: I did some things in the past that I'm not proud of... Those things still haunt me...
Rumple: I see... *silence* Let's go, shall we?
Snow: Yeah...

They both went to the sheriff's station, where Cora was.

Cora: I knew you wouldn't let me down...
Snow: Cora! Wh-What are you talking about? *looks at Rumple* You knew!
Rumple: *smiles* Indeed.
Snow: No, you can't do that! You had a deal, remember?
Rumple: Actually, the deal was to protect you from Cora. But not by me...
Snow: Wai— *he magically makes her faint*
Cora: *laughs* Thank you. You were very helpful.
Rumple: And now you will leave my family alone, that was our deal.
Cora: Yes, that's right.
Rumple: You won't hurt her either, will you?
Cora: Oh, no. At least not these days. I have something special prepared for her.
Rumple: Mh... Well, you should hurry up. The Charming's team will be here soon.
Cora: *smiles* Goodbye my dear Rumple. *teleports her and Snow away*

He comes out of the sheriff's station and everyone rushes towards him.

Belle: Rumple, where have you been?
Charming: Where's Snow?
Rumple: Cora came and teleported her before I could do something. I'm so sorry...
Emma: So our plan failed... Now what do we do?
*Regina looks suspiciously and skeptically at Rumple, but says nothing*
Charming: I don't know what you will do, but I'm going to look for her.
Rumple: She knows how to hide, if she doesn't want to be found, she won't be...
Charming: But my love and Snow's is stronger than her cruelty. I will find her. I will always find her...
Emma: I'm coming too.
Regina: I'll go to my tavern. Maybe I'll find an answer in a spell book.
*everyone leaves*
Rumple: I'm sorry Belle. I'm sorry I let you down...
Belle: Hey, it's okay. You have no reason to be sorry. I know you did everything you could.
*She takes his hand and they go home*

It was already evening and he was sitting on the edge of the bed watching as Belle removed the clips from her hair, letting it fall on her back.

Belle: How could she do that? I mean, what would she want to do with Snow? Do you have any ideea? *takes of her earings*
Rumple: No, unfortunately I don't...
Belle: Mh... Well, I hope she doesn't do her any harm. I am so worried... You know her the best. You must have some idea of what she could do to her. *takes of her heels*
Rumple: Belle, I already told you, I don't. Cora is an unpredictable person. She's always been like this.
Belle: Yeah, but—
Rumple: Belle, relax. You're not the one who should be concerned about her. *silence* Come... *she came closer and sits on his lap* The only thing she is after is the love of her daughter. Regina has already said that she doesn't want Snow hurt anymore, so I don't really think that Cora will hurt her, otherwise she would push Regina away even worse... Right?
Belle: I suppose it's true...
Rumple: *he moves her hair behind her ear*
Tell me that i'm right.
Belle: Rumple...
Rumple: Tell me.
Belle: *sights and smiles* You are right.
Rumple: I know I am.

They smile at each other then he grabs her by the side of her neck and kisses her lips. After that, she also grabbed his neck and continued to kiss hungrily. She straightened her position, wanting even more of him. After that, he grabs the zipper on the back of her dress and pulls it down, slowly. Her hands run down his chest until she reaches his shirt buttons, and she begins to undo the first ones. When everything had become even more heated, there was a knock on the door. He didn't seem to want to stop, but eventually she stopped and giggled, then whispered a "shh" to him.

Belle: Yeah?
Red: *talking from behind the door* I'm Red. I'm sorry that I entered uninvited, but I saw that the door was not locked and I thought that I must tell you...
Belle: It's okay. Tell me what?
Red: Is Gold home?
Belle: *she looks at him and he nods in negative* Uh, no. He's not home.
Red: Good. I just talked to Emma and she told me that Cora had a helper when she took Snow. She told me who it was, and I couldn't believe it.
Belle: *looked surprised at Rumple* Who is this person?
Red: *silence* Gold himself...
Belle: *looked at Rumple again, confused* What are you talking about? Do you have any proof?
Red: There are cameras in the sheriff's office. If you want, you can come and see for yourself.

It had become very quiet there. Belle stood up suddenly, still looking at him. She was still confused, but also disappointed. It was too big news for her, and she couldn't take it.

Red: Belle? Are you okay?
Belle: *trying to get rid of her tears* Yes, I am. *she pulls up the zipper from her back and puts her hair in a ponytail* Go ahead. I'll get to the station right away.
Red: Alright.
*They both hear Red close the main door*
Belle: Before I see it with my eyes, I want to hear it from your mouth. Is it true? Is it??!!
Rumple: It's all true...
Belle: *refrains from crying* How could you?!?! How could you break the deal, betray everyone and lie to me?!
Rumple: Belle, it's not what it seems, really.
Belle: So you didn't help Cora? *takes her bag*
Rumple: I did, but—
Belle: This is everything I wanted to hear... *she opens the door and slams it agressively behind her*

When she returned home, it was already night. She silently got into bed, next to him, who was pretending to sleep. They didn't talk to each other the next day either. She was cold there, so she tried as much as possible to stay outside, to avoid him.

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