Fall Prey To Nerves

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-A few years ago, not long after Belle agreed to live with The Dark One-

   Every day Rumplestiltskin judged Belle by everything she did or said.  Belle couldn't take it anymore, but she knew that if she answered back, she wouldn't win anything, it would even annoy him.  So, she was powerless, but her hope did not disappear yet...

   Rumplestiltskin entered the dining room, where Belle was, and sat down in the chair at the head of the table.  She came with the tea tray, placed a cup in front of him and her then poured the tea into it.  When Rumple took a sip, he grimaced.

Rumple: What is this?
Belle: Your tea, Rumplestiltskin.  *sat down, next to him*
Rumple: Yeah, I know. It's cold.  You didn't boil it enough.  Is it so hard for you to make a tea?
Belle: I boiled it enough, actually.  It was good before you came.
Rumple: Well it has to be good now.
Belle: It was good at the time I always serve the tea.  It's not my fault you came late.
Rumple: Oh, so it's my fault?
*A shiver went through her*
Belle: No, Rumplestiltskin.  It's mine...
I apologize for my rudeness.  I'll fix this in no time. *grabs the cups and puts them on the tray* (where the teapot is too)
Rumple: As you should...

   In the evening, Belle was in his bedroom when he entered.

Belle: I just made your bed.  Do you need anything else?
Rumple: No dear, you can go.  *She wants to leave, but stops when she hears his voice again*  Actually...  Let me tell you that I received a letter this morning.  It was from your father.
Belle: *her face brightened*  Really?  What did he say?
Rumple:Oh, not much. He just kept repeating that he misses you and stuff like that...  Pretty boring if you ask me.  I mean, if he really cared about you, he would have sent someone to get you by now, right?
Belle: Maybe he knows that no one has a chance against you.  And it's not boring, it's love.  Something you don't know about...
Rumple: You don't know me to give your opinion about what I know and what I don't.  I've lived longer than you think, dearie, and longer than you will.  I may be heartless, but if I had a child and lost him I would do anything to get him back, regardless of the risk.
Belle: You know what, I thought you were better than that.  I guess I was wrong.  I wanted to give you a chance and I have endured enough of you judging me, but I will not tolerate the fact that you judge my family.
Rumple: Yeah, I guess you were wrong.
Belle: Sometimes I'm a fool to believe that some people really deserve a second chance...
Rumple: You said it, not me...

   He got on her nerves, so without thinking ahead she wanted to slap him across the face, but he quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her before she could do something she might regret. The nerves she had turned immediately into fear, while now Rumplestiltskin got angry.  He looked straight into her eyes, then grabbed her aggressively by the neck, her leaning against the wall now.

Rumple: Have you forgotten who I am to you?  Have you forgotten which place I have here and which you have?  Well, let me remind you. *starts to hold her neck tighter, but enough so she can breathe*  I'm your master!  And this is my hell, so get used to it!  You have no right to do anything, say anything or even breathe a little, unless you have my approval. Understood? UNDERSTOOD?!

  She nodded slightly, unable to say anything.  Then, she tried panicked to take his hand from her neck, seeing her death with her own eyes. Belle could hardly breathe anymore, but she still tried to get a "please" out of her mouth. After a while, seeing her in so much pain, his face changed, as if the brain wanted to continue, but the heart wouldn't let it. He didn't seem nervous anymore, but now more confuse and after a few seconds he took his hand off her. She started to breathe deeply and often. During that, she looked at him confused too.  Why did he spare her life?

Rumple: Go to your dungeon!  I don't wanna see you until morning.

   Without saying anything, she strode out of the room. He looked at his hands, then took a deep breath, as if disappointed with himself and what he had just done.
   After a few hours, at midnight, Rumple was lying in bed with his eyes open, thinking, unable to sleep.  After a while, a light had been seen approaching his room.  It was Belle holding a candle in her hand.  Seeing that the door was not locked, she cracked it open.

Rumple: Belle?  *he stood up on the edge of the bed*
Belle: I was afraid you were sleeping.  Can... Can I come in?
Rumple: Uh, yeah. *She enters, puts the candle on the bedside table and stays in front of him, without saying anything*  What is it?
*Her eyes fill with tears, and he sees it*  Hey, what's wrong?
Belle: *She threw herself down, at his feet, looking at the ground*  I'm so sorry.  I'm sorry for everything.  I know you told me you didn't want to see me anymore today, but I couldn't fall asleep thinking about what happened...
I shouldn't have told you those horrible things.  I don't know what came over me, i'm feeling terrible! I'm sorry...

   Although he could not see her face, he could tell that she was crying, because her voice was shaking and was full of hiccups. He didn't understand why she apologized to him, when he had behaved much more horrible than her.

Rumple: It's okay, really.  It's okay.  *he put his hand under her chin and lifted it, so he could see her face*  You had a grain of truth in what you said...  You have nothing to apologize for.

Belle: I don't?  You're not mad?  *He takes her by the hands and lifts her up, then she sits on the edge of the bed, next to him*
Rumple: Why would I? And something you need to know is never let anyone make you feel this way. Okay? *she nods as he wipes one of her tears* Anyway, I think I'm the one who has to ask for forgiveness...  I didn't think ahead and I let myself fall prey to nerves, something that never turns out well...

   Hearing his words, she remained speechless, not knowing what she could say back to him.  Did The Dark One just apologize to her?  It was something new for her and something good. It was dead quiet there, and Rumple wondered why she wasn't saying anything.

Rumple: Belle?
Belle: Uh, yeah, it's okay.  I understand.
Rumple: Good...  You can not sleep?
Belle: Not really.
Rumple: Me neither.  Then, why don't you go to the library, bring any book you want and you'll find me at the spinning wheel.  You can read it to me, out loud, if you want to.  That would be okay?
Belle: *She appreciated the fact that it was one of the first times he gave her something to do, but at the same time he gave her the freedom to choose if she wanted it or not*  That would be great. *smiles, takes the candle and rushes out of the room*

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