Trip To New York

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In the present, early one morning, Belle had just woken up from her sleep when Rumple was standing next to her, looking at her with a smile.

Belle: *smiles* Hey! What are you doing up so early?
Rumple: I have a surprise for you... After you eat the breakfast I just made you, pack a suitcase. It's time for you to see the world...
Belle: Wh-What?
Rumple: Today we will go to a wonderful place called New York. It is also the place where I will look for my son.
Belle: Wait, do you want me to come with you?
Rumple: Yes, I thought better of it and realized that...I-I need you.
Belle: *smiles* Thank you, Rumple.
Rumple: Yeah... Well, get ready.
Belle: Okay. *smiles*

Only a few hours later, in the car, on the way.

Rumple: So, You must remember that this is a world without magic. So there will be no dangers like here. However, I want you to stay in the hotel room while I look for my boy. It shouldn't take long, because I know where he is.
Belle: Can I walk around town while you look for Baelfire?
Rumple: I'm sorry Belle, but if there are no dangers like magic, it doesn't mean there are no dangers at all. In addition to the fact that it is a very big city and you can easily get lost there.
Belle: But—
Rumple: Please, do as I said. I promise you that after I find my son we will have enough time to see the city together. Okay?
Belle: Okay...

After a few more hours, Rumple parked the car and when they got out of it they looked around, amazed.

Belle: Wow, it''s very beautiful.
Rumple: Indeed. Now come.

He took his suitcase and hers and they started towards a hotel.

The owner: Hello! How can I help you?
Rumple: I made a reservation at an apartment.
The owner: The name?
Rumple: Mr and Mrs Gold.
The owner: *whispering* (Quite strange names...) Oh, I found it. Apartment 126, the last door on the right, on the top floor. *Hands him the keys* I hope you will like it... Have a good day!
Rumple: Yes yes... *takes the keys aggressively*
Belle: *Looks at Rumple walking away, then at the owner, smiling* Thank you! *goes after him*

They entered the elevator and went up to the top floor. They went to the end of the hall and he opened the door.

Belle: Oh, very nice stay...
Rumple: Yeah, I will leave now—
Belle: Now? Won't you stay a little longer?  We have barely arrived, you have plenty of time to look for him.
Rumple: I'm sorry Belle, after I lost him, I dedicated my life to looking for him and now I'm on the verge of finding him. I can't wait.
Belle: I understand...
Rumple: Look... Take this. I have one too.  This thing is called a "phone". With it we can send each other messages or call each other in real time.
Belle: Got it.
Rumple: *He goes to the door and opens it*
If you need me, you know where to find me.
Belle: *smiles and nods* Good luck!

He also smiles and then leaves the room. Belle was alone all day, not talking to Rumple except on the phone once. It was already evening and she was preparing dinner. Suddenly, the front door opened and Rumple with a man appeared inside. She thought that was Baelfire... And she was right.

Belle: Hey! *she approached* Baelfire, right?
Baelfire: Actually, my name is Neal here, but call me whatever you like. You must be Belle, right? My father told me about you.
Belle: *smiles* Yeah, it's me. I'm so happy to finally meet you. I just finished preparing dinner. Do you two wanna join me?
Rumple: Oh, yes. I didn't eat much today...

They all sat down at the table and started eating. During that time, they started talking to each other.

Belle: So... I assume you are happy that you are finally reunited with your father.
Baelfire: I—
Rumple: It's... complicated.
Baelfire: It wouldn't have been complicated if you hadn't abandoned me...
Rumple: *whisper* I said I'm sorry.
Baelfire: And do you think it's enough that you're sorry? I lived most of my life without you.
Rumple: I believe we had this conversation already.

After a long silence, Rumple gets up from the table.

Rumple: I'll be right back. *then he leaves the room*
Belle: *another big silence* I'm sorry...
Baelfire: You don't have to. It was his choice.
Belle: Look, I know what he did was horrible,  but I also know that he regretted it from the first moment... He dedicated his life to looking for you. He suffered a lot, and I saw that...
Baelfire: How do you do it?
Belle: What?
Baelfire: To accept him in your life.
Belle: Well, It's simple... I love him. And I can't convince my heart otherwise. However, it was not easy for us either. We had many arguments... I know it may be hard to believe, but things have changed. He changed. He's not the same man anymore...
Baelfire: *silence* When did you meet for the first time?
Belle: Oh, a few years ago. Back in the Enchanted Forest.
Baelfire: It was love at first sight?
Belle: *giggles* Well... No. I never thought I would fall in love with my master...
Baelfire: Wait, master? You mean... you worked for him? You were his maid?
Belle: Ironic isn't it?
Baelfire: But... You... I mean—
Belle: How am I alive?
Baelfire: He told you about his other maid?
Belle: No, someone else did...To terrify me. But I didn't worry too much. And look, now we are married. *they smile* I'm not asking you to welcome him back with open arms, but at least give him a chance, and you'll see in time that I'm right...

After a dead silence, Rumple returns and everyone continued to eat.

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