In Your Arms

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-In the past, in The Dark Castle-

   Belle was in the library, sitting at her desk, reading by candlelight.  It was night, but she still wanted to finish the book.

Mirror: Belle!
Belle: *startled*  God, you scared me.
Mirror: Oh, I'm sorry. I should've listened to Rumple when he said not to show up like that again, sorry.
Belle: It's okay...
Mirror: So, what are you reading there?  I like your taste in books.
Belle: It's about a woman who was kidnapped from her parents' home and kept locked in a tower for 25 years.  You realize?  Finally the prince came and saved her.
Mirror: Hm, sounds familiar.  And... do you like it?
Belle: Honestly, It's a well-written fairy tale, but I would've changed some things.  For example, a woman doesn't need a man to be saved.  She is capable to save herself.
Mirror: If she wants to...
Belle: What are you keep talking about?
Mirror: Uh, nothing...
Belle: I'm sure of it... Well, let me tell you that I really miss my family. A lot.
Mirror: I didn't say that.  But the fact that you miss them does not prevent you from having other... let's say... feelings.
Belle: Other feelings?
Mirror: Yeah, like for example... love.
Belle: Oh, I don't know what love feels like... Apart from my family, I've never loved anyone that much.
Mirror: Then describe to me how you feel when you're with Rumple.
Belle: Uh, I don't know... My heart is beating very fast.
Mirror: Cause of fear?
Belle: No, it's not fear.
Mirror: Then it's love. Why don't you say anything to him?
Belle: Because even I'm not sure. And besides, for him i'm just his maid. And he is right...
Mirror: No. No, he's not. Don't think like that.
He is good at hiding his feelings.  And how many times he had his heart broken, he is afraid to open it up to someone again. You have to tell him something...
Belle: I don't know what.  I've never been like this when it comes to a person...  I don't know what happend to me... It's like I forget everything I had in my head.
Mirror: I don't remember love being so complicated, but I'm happy for you.  So... you don't feel like you're in hell anymore, do you?
Belle: No... It's not hell if you like the way it burns...

   And suddenly, some steps are heard going up.  Belle continues reading and Sidney disappears from the mirror.

Rumple: Belle, what are you doing?
Belle: Uh, I was... I was reading.
Rumple: Are you coming down?  It's quite late.
Belle: Yeah. Yeah, I'll come.  I would still like to finish the book, but you can go.  I will come in a few minutes.  It won't last long, really.
Rumple: As you wish...

And those "few minutes" turned into hours. Rumple still didn't fall asleep, he waited for her, but in vain. He got up hesitantly from the bed and went upstairs.

Rumple: Belle? Belle?

Then, he noticed that her head was on the desk, and realized that she was sleeping. He came closer and stroked her dark, soft but a bit tousled hair with something that looked like a smile. He called her name once more in a whisper, but without an answer. He didn't want to wake her, but he couldn't leave her there either. So, without thinking, he gently took her in his arms and went to the bedroom. He slowly placed her on her side of the bed and covered her with a soft blanket. After that, he stared at her for a moment, taking a breath, then lay down next to her, falling asleep too.
In the morning, she opened her eyes then looked around the room, full of surprise that she was there. After a few seconds of thought she realized that he probably brought her here. When she turned her head to her left she noticed that the bed was empty next to her, Rumple not being there. However, the pillow and sheet were a little messy, so she thought that he had slept last night too. She got up and leaned on her hands and then not long after he entered the room.

Rumple: Belle, you woke up.
Belle: Yeah, I did... *she stays on the edge of the bed and watches as Rumple opens the curtains* You know... I kept thinking and... I'm still haunted by the incident from a week ago... I mean, when you saved me from Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella...
Rumple: Belle, I told you to stop thinking about it. We're only haunted by the things we refuse to accept. So accept the fact that you had nothing to do against them. Just forget it happend!
Belle: I tried... I tried to do what you told me, but I can't. I can't forget how I could be lured with a dog. A DOG!
*he sits down next to her, on the edge of the bed*
Rumple: Don't worry anymore. I solved everything.
Belle: That's exactly the problem. I wanted to be a hero but I can't even free myself from three damn witches.
Rumple: You said it yourself, they are witches. Even I could not defeat them without that deal. Do you understand?
Belle: *gasp* Yeah, I do...
Rumple: Good. *he sees that she is staring at one place, as if confused* What is it?
Belle: Do you think I'm going crazy? *she turns her head and their eyes meet*
Rumple: No, why would you?
Belle: *she takes a deep breath, deciding to actually answer* At first... all I felt was fear. Fear of this place, fear of the idea of ​​staying here forever and... fear of you...
Rumple: What has changed now?

The tension between them was not like any other, it was magical, but without magic. Both looked lost in each other's eyes, as if who knows what conversation they were having. He could feel his heart beating fast and hard, looking at her innocent face. She also had his heart beating like his and she felt him like a drug. He was her favorite darkness, that was clear.

Belle: I feel something else... safety.
Rumple: *After what seemed like an eternity, he starts to giggle* Safety? Living with the great and powerful Dark One? Maybe you are going a little crazy...
Belle: *smiles* Maybe... But I never thought that this great Dark One would ever make me laugh...

He became serious again. He didn't know what the hell to say back, so he chose the easier option... He kept quiet. That sentence was huge for both of them. She wondered how she could say that out loud, and regretted that she did, because it came with a price:
An awkward silence.

Belle: Uh... I probably have to get ready and... make the tea... Excuse me. *gets up*
Rumple: Yeah, and I'll... I'll wait for you to make the tea...
*she nodded and left*

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