The Real Him

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-Less than a month after Rumple and Belle reunited in Enchanted Forest-

In the library, Rumple was spinning at the wheel. Belle who was sitting on the couch there reading, closed her book and looked at him.

Belle: You know what I was thinking?
Rumple: Hm?
Belle: I was thinking... Can I invite Red over?
Rumple: The woman who saved you?
Belle: Oh no, that's Mulan. Red is the one who was imprisoned with me.
Rumple: Well, if that's what you want, I've nothing against it.
Belle: *smiles* Thank you.

After lunch there was a knock at the big door of the castle and Rumple opens it.

After lunch there was a knock at the big door of the castle and Rumple opens it

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Red: Oh, Dark One, hi!
Rumple: Hi, you must be Red. Come in. Belle should come right away.

Rumplestiltskin leads her into the dining room and they both sit on chairs, Rumple at the head of the table, as usual.

Rumple: So... You came quickly.
Red: Yeah... It's easier when you're a wolf... I guess you already know that about me.
Rumple: Oh, yes. Belle told me about you.
Red: Belle told me about you too.
Rumple: Hm. *silence again* How come you're not afraid of me?
Red: Well, if Belle told me you're not that bad, then I believe her. I'm sorry people are scared of you. I mean, some people are scared of me just because part of me is a wolf. And those people don't even really know me.
Rumple: Oh, don't compare your situation to mine. I kinda gave them reasons to be scared...
*Then there's an awkward silence again*
Belle: *enters the room* Red, hi!
Red: Belle! *She gets up and then they hug*
Belle: I missed you so much!
Red: Me too!
Rumple: Well I suppose I'm gonna live you alone to talk. If you need me i'm in the library, spinning...
Belle: Okay.

Then he leaves and they both sit down and start talking.

Red: I'm so glad that you and your true love are together.
Belle: Yes, me too. *smiles*
Red: I mean, love is a wonderful thing. It makes you happy every day and gives you an extra reason to live...
Belle: It seems to me or I'm not the only one who found her true love? *both laugh*
Red: Well, maybe...
Belle: Who's he?
Red: Actually, it's a "she". Her name is Dorothy. I had some moments when I simply felt that I didn't belong anywhere. I felt alone, even though I had my werewolf friends. That was until I met her. She... made me feel like no one else has.
Belle: I know this feeling... And i'm so happy for you. Maybe I will have the chance to meet her.
Red: Oh, you will. I will invite you at our home someday.

Then they continued to talk until evening. The two of them were at the door and then Rumple came too.

Belle: I can't convince you to stay over night?
Red: I wish, but I promised Dorothy that I would return in the evening.
Rumple: Dorothy?
Red: Oh, yeah... she's... the person I love.
Rumple: And she let you come here?
Red: Uh, yeah. Do you know her?
Rumple: Oh, no. I heard about her. The one who almost defeated The Wicked Witch.
I suppose she had a lot of courage... But, she didn't say anything about me? I mean, she must have heard of me.
Red: No, nothing at all. She trusts me. *smiles*
Rumple: Of course... Well, say hello to her from me.
Belle: ...And from me. *smiles*
Red: I will do so. I'm glad to see you again Belle. And that I met you, Rumplestiltskin.
Belle: We too.
Red: Byeee!
Belle: Bye!

She closes the door and turns to face Rumple.

Belle: What was that?
Rumple: What?
Belle: Do you know something?
Rumple: What do you mean?
Belle: You behaved suspiciously.
Rumple: That's not true.
Belle: Are you hiding something from me?
Rumple: Oh Belle... *grabs her arms with his hands* Of course not... Now how about you get ready for bed, okay? It's quite late.
Belle: Okay. Aren't you coming?
Rumple: I have something to deal with first. Go ahead, don't wait for me.
Belle: Fine... *leaves*

Red arrives home, where Dorothy was.

Dorothy: Hey, you came. I was really thinking if I should stop waiting for you and fall asleep first.
Red: *smiles* Well here I am. *takes off her hood* It's snowing hard outside... By the way, before leaving, why did you tell me to be careful there?
Dorothy: Oh, I just heard stuff about The Dark One, that's all. *she looks out the window and sees a familiar figure in the dark*
Red: By the way, Rumplestiltskin and Belle told me they send their regards.
Dorothy: Really? Did he?
Red: Yeah. Apparently he is not how we thought.
Dorothy: I'm sure of it... Look, I think you have to go to the bathroom. I'm waiting for you.
Red: Okay. *they kiss and then she leaves the room*

Dorothy comes out of the house with a sword and sees Rumplestiltskin.

Dorothy comes out of the house with a sword and sees Rumplestiltskin

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Rumple: Wow, I didn't think you would show up. If you didn't manage to defeat the witch, do you really think you can do me any harm? That sword won't protect you, dearie.
Dorothy: *she puts her sword back in its sheath* What do you want?
Rumple: Well, it's simple, really. I want you to forget.
Dorothy: What?
Rumple: The things that happened in the past, of course.
Dorothy: And you're going to cast a spell on me to forget everything?
Rumple: Oh, no, no, dearie. I simply trust you that you will not say anything.
Dorothy: Wow, I didn't know The Dark One trusts anyone—
Rumple: You don't know much about me.
Dorothy: *silence* And if I tell someone, what will you do, kill me?
Rumple: *giggles* Do you really think I would do that? In general, I prefer to make people suffer, and death is something much too easy for you... And it would be no fun for me. So, if you open your mouth and say something to someone, I will kill your beloved wolfie.
Dorothy: Don't catch you touching her!
Rumple: Don't catch you saying something!
I just warned you.
Dorothy: You're doing this so Belle doesn't find out what kind of person you really are, aren't you?
Rumple: I don't have to answer you. What happened happened.  I don't want to dig up the past.
Dorothy: Is that what you call "the past"? 
A few months ago?
Rumple: You're starting to get on my nerves, and I don't think you want that.
Dorothy: You are a monster.  I don't know what poor Belle sees in you.  You're worse than that witch!
Rumple: *giggles* But of course I am, dearie.  Did you have any doubts? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. *she wants to say something but Rumple stops her* Think of how many lives you will destroy if you're against me. *giggles and teleports away*

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