The Potion

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*The 9th month*

Belle was in the library, writing. Rumple enters the room.

Rumple: Belle, what are you doing?
Belle: Uh, writing in my diary.
Rumple: You have a diary? You've been living with me for almost a year and I didn't know you had a diary?
Belle: So it seems... She closes the diary, leaves it on the table and gets up. I'm going to cook the lunch.
Rumple: And leave this here?
Belle: Yeah, why not? I trust you... (She goes to the kitchen.)

After half an hour Rumple walked into the kitchen where Belle was cooking.

Belle: Rumplestiltskin, I'm sorry but I'm not done yet.
Rumple: It's okay. So... Where did you learn to cook? I mean, I assume you had people cooking for you.
Belle: Yes, but I am very attached to one of our maids. Actually, I was. She taught me to cook.
Rumple: Ann, right?
Belle: Yes, her.

After lunch Rumple was in the potions room. He was sitting at the table and thinking. Belle appears...

Belle: Hey. Are you okay?
Rumple: Yeah, i am.
Belle: I don't think so. Talk to me.
Rumple: Well, I have to make a potion and I need an ingredient that I can't find.
Belle: What kind of potion?
Rumple: One to find my son.
Belle: Okay... What do you need?
Rumple: A strand of hair from a person I love. The problem is that the only person I love is him.
Belle: *silence* I KNOW. You can look for a strand of hair on his clothes.
Rumple: *silence* That's a wonderful idea!

He took all his son's clothes and started looking. Belle was dusting.

Belle: Can i help you?
Rumple: No, I'm good.
Belle: But it will last faster.
Rumple: Uh fine.

They both searched for several hours, but found nothing.

Rumple: Belle you should go to bed. It is quite late. I will come later too. I'm going to look for one more time.
Belle: Okay. Good luck!

At midnight he went to bed, but he couldn't sleep. He stayed awake all night, thinking. Since morning, when Belle woke up, Rumple was not in bed. She got up and looked for him. She found him in the potions room, looking at the bottle on the table. It was glowing. She understood that he did it.

Belle: Wow. You found a strand of his hair!
Rumple: His? Oh, yeah...
Belle: I'm so happy for you.
Belle: Did you sleep last night?
Rumple: Uh... No. I didn't. I came to bed but I couldn't fall asleep.
Belle: Oh...
*silence again*
Rumple: Well, thank you again...
Belle: No matter. I'm glad that i helped you.

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