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After one month Rumple looked for the chipped cup for weeks but couldn't find it. Regina appears in the shop.

Regina: Oh, hello Mr Gold!
Rumple: It seems that when I bought the closed sign I just threw my money away.
Regina: I am the mayor of the town, not a sign stops me from entering where I want. *approaches him* I have another deal to discuss.
Rumple: I'm not interested.
Regina: I think this time you will be.
Rumple: You have what I want?
Regina: *smiles* Yes.
Rumple: So... You know what I want, but still I don't know what you want.
Regina: I want you to answer one question... What's your name?
Rumple: Is Mr Gold.
Regina: Your real name.
Rumple: This is my name in the moments spent here.
Regina: But what about moments spent elsewhere? Tell me your name.
Rumple: *smiles* Rumplestiltskin. *silence* Now give me what I want!
*Regina takes the cup out of her bag and gives it to him*
Regina: What a sentimental thing...
Rumple: Thank you, your majesty.

-Two months later-

Belle: Rumple, Did you manage to make the potion?
Rumple: Oh, no yet I'm sorry.
Belle: Okay then. Did you hear that Elsa is looking for her sister?
Rumple: Yeah, I heard...
Belle: Can you take me to the Snow Queen's house? I think it has something to do with it and I want to see if I can find a clue.
Rumple: Excuse me? It's too dangerous there. And besides that, why would you risk your life for someone you don't know?
Belle: Because a hero would do that. Please Rumple, if you don't come with me, I will go alone.
Rumple: I won't let you do that.
Belle: And what are you going to do? Are you going to lock me in the house?
Rumple: No! Because I trust you to do as I say. I don't wanna lose you too!
Belle: If you come with me I will be safe. Please?

And they did as she said. When they got there she made Rumple wait at the entrance and she went inside. There she found a large mirror. She stopped in front of it and Belle from the mirror started talking to her.

Mirror Belle: Belle! *giggles* Oh, you came here to be a hero?
Belle: No, I came here to find Anna!
Mirror Belle: With Rumplestiltskin's help? Do you really think that he cares about you? *laughts* You're pathetic.
Belle: Wh-What? What do you want to say? He loves me!
Mirror Belle: Yeah, yeah, right. Actually, he needs someone weak who can be easily manipulated. Do you really trust him? You have no idea how many times he lies to you without you realizing it. We both know that deep down you know what kind of beast he is...

She was still looking in the mirror. Rumple comes to her.

Rumple: Belle, what are you doing so long? *silence* Belle? *He stands in front of the mirror* Don't look in the mirror! Look at me!
*Belle sits down on the floor so he sits down too*
Belle: This mirror... told me some things.
Rumple: You don't have to listen to it! This mirror only tells lies!
Belle: Oh Rumple, I'm so sorry. I lied to you. I came here because I met Anna and because it's my fault she disappeared. Long before we met, I chose one thing in her place.
Rumple: I understand you, but we will talk more at home...

After a while they arrived in front of the shop...

Belle: I'm sorry again. I shouldn't have hidden this from you! Especially since I know that you wouldn't hide anything from me... *hugs him*
Rumple: Belle? *gasps* I'm so sorry I can't resist anymore...
Belle: What?
Rumple: I lied to you too. I've had that potion for a long time.
Belle: But why didn't you give it to me?
Rumple: Because... let's be honest, your father can't stand me.
Belle: Of course he can.
Rumple: No, Belle. We both know it's not true... However, I know that you love him very much and I want to see you happy. *takes out a small jar with a liquid in it from his pocket* Give this to your father and he will remember everything.
Belle: Thank you so much. *she smiles and leaves*

After a few months, the curse was broken but they were still in Storybrooke. Now there was also magic because Rumple poured the potion of true love into a special fountain. Everyone gathered outside and started talking. Regina appeared.

Grumpy: The queen!
Granny: You did this! You took all our memories and played with us like your own dolls!
Regina: *scared* Wait, let me explain!
*everyone approaches her*
Grumpy: There is nothing to explain!
Prince Charming: You're an evil witch!
Regina: Don't come any closer!
Granny: Or what?!
*Rumple appears*
Rumple: Or you will have to deal with me! Don't forget that we are The Dark One and The Evil Queen. We can destroy you easily.
Grumpy: Why are you on her side?!
Rumple: Because it's not her fault! It's mine... *silence* I put it in her head to cast the curse. I needed to go to a world without magic to find my son, and this was the only way. Oh, and just to remind you, now that the curse is broken we have magic again. So I wouldn't risk it in your place...
*Everyone left without saying anything.*
Regina: Wh-Why did you do that?
Rumple: Because that's the right thing to do. From now on we are in the same team.
Regina: Thank you!
Rumple:*He turns and sees Belle who heard everything* Belle!
Belle: When were you going to tell me?
Rumple: I-I really wanted to. I didn't know how you would react when you heard that I sacrificed an entire world for this. But I need to find my son. And I would do anything for him.
Belle: *gasps* Next time I don't want you to hide anything from me.
Rumple: Yes, I promise!

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