Spead the Tea

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Jay had gone to work leaving me with Erin for the first time

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Jay had gone to work leaving me with Erin for the first time. Despite what jay thinks Erin is very helpful, just when jays not around. Olive of course came over which I'm ecstatic about. I wanted a good catch up.

"Aunty Millie I'm so happy your ok who was going to  tell me about daddy" Daniel said jumping into my arms. I can't help but notice how Josh's face changes when he mentions his dad.  "I sorry did I hurt you" "no I'm ok and I'll never stop telling you stories about your dad" he smiles jumping up going to playing with Alvin. "I'm going to get a tea" I said getting up.

I didn't notice Olive had followed me. "Are you ok" she questioned as Erin walked in carrying Justin Henry. Never would of guessed Erin would be amazing with children/babies. She was always good with victims but that's all they were to her victims. Then again she has always been an amazing aunt. "I'm good" I said nodding as I make my tea, coffee was to much right now so I'm stuck with tea. Not that tea wasn't good it had some wonderful flavours I'm just use to my caffeine fix. "How are you your beautiful" I said gesturing to her stomach "I think there was one person who was more beautiful I'm good" she nods rubbing her stomach "you are beautiful don't come to Lilah no one can you'll spend way to much time trying also don't try to find a love like hers and jays you won't" Erin said I didn't think mine and jays love was all that spectacular. I mean he cheated at one point and we only just got back together. We have be flirty yes but his been sleeping down the hall until the day before this. It's so recent that he actually asked if he could sleep in my bed or if I wanted him back in the other room. Obviously I wanted him beside me.

"I got to ask are you happy with Josh" Olive looked confused "yeah why" "I just notice he pulled a face when Danny mentioned Justin just wanted to check" "I notice he was weird as well" Erin chimed in giving Justin a berry. "We don't know him so I wanted to talk to you make sure everything was ok not in a rude way I promise" "I know" Olive said squeezing my arm gently "also wanted to bring it up because I'm never going to stop talking about my brother I tell my kids bedtime stories of him being well I use to it's turned more into afternoon story times" "I would never ask you to stop...someone has to tell Danny all the awesome stories about Justin that I just don't know" I smile happily sipping my tea as we begin to walk back to the living room. "I thought jay called you Lilah before" "Justin only called me millie as you know and now only Danny calls me that everyone calls me Lilah at this point Jay he calls me Lilah sometimes or LilahJo his nickname for me is della or deli though even if he calls me Lilah sometimes...it's kinda a combination of Lilah and Delilah for everyone else" I said sitting back on the couch Olive following close behind. Erin put Justin Henry down before sitting on the couch. "Do they just run around" Josh asked "Alvin and Lexi do yes they run a million miles an hour always on the move...Justin Henry always is moving building and creating things and MillieFlorence is more trying to learn new things" I answer "aren't you worried they will fall or get into something dangerous" two very valid questions "this is their house they are welcome everywhere obviously we have boundaries for the bathroom and that kind of thing as for them getting hurt they will get hurt outside it's apart of learning they won't know it hurts to fall if they don't fall" I explain "her and jay also don't let the twins on the stairs by themselves and despite always running moving Alvin does know to walk slowly down the steps" Erin added right as Alvin came jumping in her closely followed by his partner in crime Lexi Rose. Erin groans not in pain more of shock "we can't jump on mummy she hurt and Aunty Ollie has baby in her belly" Alvin said giggling making me smile. I was so grateful my kids had such a big loving community. "Mummy can we see daddy" Alvin asks "maybe I know daddy jay is coming home early to pick Moon up maybe we'll go on a walk even see grandpa" I think it's more of an adult issue the who daddy thing. I get so confused of what to say. Do I say daddy or daddy jay or uncle Kelly. I had to watch who I was speaking to it was a lot. Thankfully we all talked about it Kelly jay and I. We figured if Alvin is struggling with the concept the twins probably will as well so to insure jay was comfortable just like we did with Kelly. We talked, I had to make sure he knew it was basically an unavoidable thing. It wouldn't last forever either. He made some dumb joke about it being payback for Alvin calling him daddy. "Really" "pa pa" Alvin and Lexi Rose cheered excitedly "remember mummy is still getting better so she may get tired but I'm sure if you can't see them both they will visit" Erin reminded they nod whether they actually heard and understood is something else entirely.

"Hey" Jay said walking over kissing me. I was in our bedroom I just needed a minute. "Hi I haven't told them anything about you being my handsome fiancé" he just smirks kissing me again. "I don't mind we can keep it a secret" I laugh "we both know how well that went when we tried to keep the beginning of this or when I was pregnant with Moon" "well unlucky for us Al isn't here to expose our relationship and we'll figure my brother out" I laugh leaning against him. "I want to walk to pick moon up" "you up for that I don't feel like carrying you and pushing the pram" I laugh "as much as I love you carrying me I think I'll save feeling those amazing muscles for home or when our children aren't with us complicating things I'll just call Erin" I told him not missing his smirk "we got to watch Josh" "why" "he doesn't like me talking about Justin and I can just feel something else is up" "how about you leave the deceive work to me I'm sure Erin is watching him as well" "I can't help it I worry" "i know i love how loyal you are to everyone you love it's one of the reasons I love you so so much" "oh yeah what about the others" "how loving and caring you are" he was kissing my body "we should stop we can't you haven't been cleared to do more" I laugh shaking my head. Before I can say anything Lexi comes in demanding his attention. How we got those few moments alone I will never know. Justin is normally the one that's demanding attention but his lapping up all the attention from Erin and Olive. "Where's your partner in crime" "Danny" she yelled smiling. She doesn't have an off switch like Alvin she's just louder always yelling.

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