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I stand beside Al watching my dad with my comatose brother

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I stand beside Al watching my dad with my comatose brother. "Do do you know who did it" he nods "Erin is working with the team to find him" I slowly nod, I wasn't even going to acknowledge that I thought it was illegal for her to work for the team. Pretty sure she got stripped of her cop badge right before she got her fbi one. I don't know, It's complicated.

After hours of sitting with my unconscious brother, wishing for him to be here. I hadn't even had that day I wanted. Justin and I were working on a sibling day just the two of us, one without our kids that end up dictating our days.

I sat on the rock. It was dark all around me. I stood up as a car pulls up. "Bingham meet Justin's sister" I rub my stomach so glad I'm not sick or in any pain. The man's eyes widen and he goes to run. "That's why I'm here so you don't run or hurt her" my best friend said catching him throwing the man in my direction. I step back making sure he doesn't hit me in anyway. "Get digging my friend" I said smiling as I hand him a shovel. Al was on making sure my dad or the team didn't figure it out. It's a big job yes but, I told him to mainly worry about my dad his the one who could really stop me. I knew Jay didn't know how to not follow orders, unless it came to protecting his family but as long as he doesn't know we are fine. MillieFlorence is with her uncle Will for the night something Jay also doesn't know.

I spin around hearing a car pull up. It's headlights shining illuminating the man in the hole. "Delilah" Erin's shocked voice fills the silent air that was just waiting in anticipation. I share a look with my best friend before walking over to her. "What are you doing" "I can't let my dad do it I just can't Erin" "so your going to" I shrug "Della it's going to kill you" "you just need to leave Erin I got this" I beg her surprised she hasn't noticed a certain someone but than again it is dark.

"She left" he said surprised I nod rubbing my stomach. "You alright" "yeah we got to hurry she'll probably ring dad" he nods he holds the gun between us "you ready" i nod I stare at the gun which he takes and shoots the man in the hole. "You should sit" I do watching him dig the dirt on top of the now dead man. "You ok" he glances at me "yeah just tired your baby is making me tired" "go sleep in my car" "I don't want to leave you alone" I pout "I'll be fine Lilah" I sigh catching the keys he threw at me.

The door opening startled me away. "Just me Lilah" he said going to put the shovel in the back. "Thank you" I said as he got in the drivers seat "hey you know you can call me for anything" "keep the gun no one will find it if you have it or get rid of it" I said tiredly "so Jay moved in" "yeah his been taking care of MillieFlorence" "well thank god for that" he joked "Millie said your been getting on like best friends" "just friends because I have eyes" "ok we've been flirting but that's it" he laughs shaking his head.

It was the next day and boy was it cold. "Mummy" MillieFlorence exclaimed running over to me. "Did you know Kelly was here" she asks as I pick her up only noticing the looks I was getting from both males. "I did me and him had fun last night" "without me" "what you didn't want to hang with your uncle Will he constantly tells me his more fun than your dad" "no daddy is the most fun" "are you sure" she nods humming so sure of herself "yes now you just have to tell uncle Will" Jay said taking her from my arms.

"What did you do De" "hello to you to dad" he rolls his eyes. I stand up walk into the kitchen putting my glass in sink. "Nothing" "Erin told me about the silos" he said "I didn't do anything Kelly did" "where's the gun" he demands I shrug "De" "dad his dead can we just focus on Justin speaking of can you take me to the hospital I can't drive my stomach is pressing on the wheel" he nods leading me out.

My heart was broken. "I got him J" i whisper before, I kiss his head sitting down. His my big brother no matter how bad it got I never envisioned this. He was meant to look out for me. "Olive already said we could but she wanted us to run it by you two" Will said his voice started to drift away. "His never coming back" my voice was small and quiet "no if he does wake up he will have no memories" he went on about all the things he wouldn't have or be able to do if he woke up. He couldn't have just stated he wouldn't be Justin would have saved time. The sound comes back as I hear the endless beeping. I gasp crying noticing dad no longer there.

"Want me to call someone" Will asks after leaving for a while to just cry. "No dads still here somewhere" I said shaking my head, I knew he wouldn't leave me. He would be in the car or somewhere. I sigh getting up and walking away. Pausing at the door to look at my big brother one last time.

I was laying in bed with Daniel. I offered to watch him to allow Olive a moment. He looked just like his daddy did. "Mummy" MillieFlorence runs in jumping on the bed "what's wrong your sad and Danny here" "baby your uncle Justin got hurt and he" "uncle Will will fix him his a good doctor" "no baby they couldn't fix him up he isn't going to wake up" I didn't know how to explain it to her and that made it all the more worse.

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