A secret

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Secrets are something that my family thrives on

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Secrets are something that my family thrives on. It's a basic instinct. I was never one to keep a secret until now. I had something worth keeping a secret for, something I couldn't risk loosing. My dad would kill him if he found out, my brother would probably help.

"Erin told me your crap at keeping secrets" I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him. "Yeah well I have something worth fighting for" he smirks "oh I don't know maybe a handsome detective but that could be anyone right" his chest vibrates as he chuckles. "Let me guess it's Antonio you guys do have a weird banter" I laugh "oh definitely that hot Cuba man wow he does things to me" he raises an eyebrow at me "there any other detectives" I rub my chin thinking "I don't know there could be plenty there could be my uncle Al" he groans "but there is this one particular detective" "oh yeah" I could tell he was racking his brain trying to figure out if there were any other detectives I knew. I nod "who might that be" I lean up causing me to hold me tighter "well he has the biggest and best heart I have ever come across...beautiful perfect eyes...a wicked smirk" I begin to list smirking myself "and he has an even hotter younger brother" he scowls at me causing me to throw my head back laughing "I'm joking your the hottest most handsome guy I know" he nods smiling like it was the only correct answer. "But we do have to keep this from my dad and brother" I pat his chest "ok I get Voight but why your brother" I give him a look like I cannot even begin to fathom why he would ask that. "Because his my brother my dads son who just got out of prison he is just as bad as my dad" he nods "ok well what are we going to do over the holidays I don't think I can go that long away from you" I laugh "A) it's like a week and b) we don't celebrate Christmas haven't since mum died we exchange gifts in the morning have breakfast but that's it I usually just end up going to the lab where it's quiet" "ohh lab sex" I slap him playfully "focus Halstead we are not have sex in my lab that is so dangerous all the chemicals" he smiles "but if you come down to the lab I can promise we will have a fun time and definitely a wonderful night" "how can a lab be fun" I smirk "many ways you could discover how many places you can stab someone to instantly kill them" i straddle him he just smirks holding my hips "do all the different ways you can kill someone turn you on" he whispers in my ear after I lean down "no knowledge does I find a man who knows things very hot...I also find a man who is strong, caring loving very hot as well" I nod to myself smiling innocently.

I walk up the steps into intelligence. I had been here a number of times. I walk straight into my father office. "What's this" "I did some snooping Rodriguez I have been glancing at his files for a while now something seemed off. That's all the real evidence" he opens the file looking at it "what do you know about this Rodriguez guy" I shrug "just the funny feeling I get" he nods "keep your eyes open" "copy" I smile spinning and walking out "Leah can you translate the book for jay" Erin said "yeah it's the type of book you would read something about plants" Al said not looking up. I walk over looking at the book. I smirk "it's about the biology of plants where they grow how they grow...I have that one at home it's a good read" I shrug leaving. I stand by my car which is parked around the corner from the district waiting. I smirk seeing him jog across the street. My arms immediately go around his neck, his arms around my waist as he leans us against the car. I move my arms pulling my book from his pocket "thank you for my book back" he laughs shaking his head "I didn't think you would notice" "I wouldn't have if Erin didn't point it out" he groans resting his head against mine. "You don't have to read my books your amazing smart at figuring crimes out putting all the pieces together" I lean up kissing him the kiss quickly turns heated "we should stop before" I nod "I have to get back" "where does my dad think you are" i had to give some stuff to platt, told her I had to run to the truck" I laugh "clever be careful Trudy is clever just like my dad" he nods kissing me one last time before goofily jogging across the road almost getting hit by a car causing me to laugh, he just waves in my direction to tell me his ok. I shake my head laughing getting into my car and driving away.

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