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I didn't get an chance to do anything before everything spiralled into a crazy mess

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I didn't get an chance to do anything before everything spiralled into a crazy mess. I was three weeks early but here I was in the hospital potentially about to deliver. MillieFlorence on the bed trying to cheer me up, she was very concerned it was heartwarming. I was just thankful that Kelly had taken Alvin out for a 'boys' day think him and Matt are taking Alvin on a boat. "Are we ok in here" April asks I grit my teeth as another wave of pain hits me "can you find Will or something" I look at MilleFlorence making her nod "where's jay" "on his way I hope I called Trudy and my dad when I couldn't get through the him" she nods "hey little lady what do you say to being a doctor for the day" "I be better than uncle Will" "you know I heard from your mummy that your very smart" MillieFlorence smiles brightly. April passes MillieFlorence a stethoscope "can I hear babies with this" "yeah but it be very heard we use this" April said clicking a few buttons to make the two heartbeats fill the room. "Cool can I see if Uncle Will has a heart daddy says he doesn't" I snort back a laugh that ended up being mixed with a lot of pain. "I'll have Maggie call them again to see what's happening" she said giving me some medicine to make the pain go away. I nod smiling at her. "Come on Millie let's go tell Maggie to call your grandpa and find your uncle Will" MillieFlorence leans over kissing my cheek "you ok" I nod "go find your uncle Will baby" she smiles holding Aprils hand letting her led her through the hospital. I didn't want MillieFlorence to see me in so much pain. Even if I didn't want to be alone.

I groan rubbing my stomach "I'm here I'm sorry" Jay said "where's Mill" "your brother" I force out through pain "good your here almost missed it we have to deliver baby Bs heart rate is dropping" Natalie said coming in. I close my eyes pushing back tears. It's safe to say the drugs had worn off.

Jay stood by my head the whole time saying nice, kind and calming things to me. "Baby A is a boy" the nurse said holding the baby up for us to see. A nurse came over taking the baby placing it on my chest. I was so swept up in the baby I didn't notice anything. "Baby B is a girl" a nurse said. My baby boy was swept away to be weighted and all that as my baby girl was placed on my chest. She was tiny that's the first thing I noticed. Both of them were beyond beautiful though.

I was in the room recovering jay was cuddling with baby boy, little girl was in the bassinet with tubes connected to her. No there is nothing seriously wrong she just needs extra oxygen and nutrition, according to doctors it will only be for a day or to and it's totally normal for smaller multiples. He did want a baby boy even if he didn't say, I am happy that he got his little boy. My dad walks in with Kelly, Will, Alvin and MillieFlorence. "Mummy" MillieFlorence races over starting to climb on the bed. "Careful MillieMoon mummy just had surgery" dad told her helping her "can I make it better" "not this time" she nods gently cuddling me. "Baby" Alvin said from his position in Kellys arms. Kelly was holding him over the bassinet showing him his baby sister. "They both ok" dad questioned "his perfect was taking up all the nutrition which is why she's" I point to the bassinet. "She wouldn't have made it if we didn't deliver" I add sighing "give mum a gentle hug" Kelly passed Alvin to me. My one year old lays down hugging me "miss you" he said "daddy hug" MilloeFlorence said throwing her arms out to him. Jay looks to Will and my dad pausing for a moment wondering who to hand his son to. He chose Will probably because my dad will hold the baby forever. Jay comes over picking MillieFlorence up holding her up "I be a doctor with April she and Maggie say I'm better than uncle Will" that fills the room with laughter. I nod to my dad telling him he can pick my little girl up, Jay shifts MillieFlorence coming over making sure all the cords and stuff don't get tangled. I was content and happy. Kelly leans down kissing my head "how long you in here for" Kelly asks but I knew everyone but Jay was curious "few days" I told everyone "what's the plan for those two" Dad asks "we didn't have a plan the plan was going to be made in a few weeks" Jay said rocking MillieFlorence she kept glancing at me like she wanted to get in on this cuddle but didn't want to leave her dad. "I can take him I just don't want him around the firehouse alone when I work and he probably wouldn't sleep there" Kelly shrugged "I can drop him here but I don't" "I don't want them here all the time" I cut Kelly off "you can drop him at the district" "I can come by as well if she can't sleep I'll be going home with her probably personally deliver breakfast to De so he can join us" Jay shrugged "she staying with me or" "she can stay with me" "you wake up before the sun Will she would not survive" I said laughing "let us know if she isn't doing ok also Erin and Olive are at mine so they can also watch them during the day" "she has school everyday but don't stress somedays are half day it kinda depends De" Jay said looking at me "oh uh i usually pick her up early on Monday and Tuesday Friday but they are super awesome...I can call them they said they can have her longer if need be when I have the babies and after also said they can take her earlier" "let me talk to them I'll take them in tomorrow when I take them" Jay said making me nod "I'll talk to Erin no doubt she will try and take her" dad making me nod. I knew that they would be fine, my kids that is. The adults well apart from Kelly everyone else is probably going to fight for my kids attention. Well mainly MillieFlorences because Jay will try be with me.

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